Chapter 4

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That is Sienna's Hero Suit!

I woke up earlier than Katsuki's alarm. I made my way to the bathroom and took a quick shower. By the time I was finished his alarm went off. I walked out of the steamy bathroom in only a towel. My white hair dripping water. I went through his draws and grabbed a pair of underwear and a bra. Yes I had those kind of things over in his room and he had the same in mine. Sometimes he would spend a week over at my house and I his. He groaned as he blew up his alarm clock. As I finished putting on my undergarments I sighed and walked over to the still sleepy Bakugou. I leaned over him and placed soft kisses on his neck. He lifted his head up. His eyes widened and face flushed pink as he quickly grabbed me and pinned me down on the bed. He gripped both of my wrists beside my head. I couldn't help but giggle as I leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips. I pulled away but he seemed like he wanted more. He leaned down and continued to attack my lips. He bit my bottom lips asking for access to the rest of my mouth. When I denied him knowing we had to get ready for school, he traveled his hand down to my part and started to rub against it. Letting out a soft moan he took the opportunity to explore my mouth. I felt my breathing become heavy as his hand started to rub my part a bit faster. I felt my back arching a bit up. "KATSUKI GET YOUR ASS UP! YOU BETTER NOT BE SLEEP! DON'T MAKE ME COME IN THERE!" His mother yelled. I giggled a bit as Katsuki sighed loudly and turned his head towards the door. "SHUT UP YOU DAMN HAG! IM UP!" "DON'T YELL AT ME YOU UNGRATEFUL CHILD! BREAKFAST IS DOWNSTAIRS! BRING SIENNA WITH YOU!" As I heard her footsteps travel downstairs Katsuki looked back up at me and leaned into my lips again. I turned my head to the side making his face land on my neck. He let out a loud sigh before getting from on top of me. I looked down to see a wet spot. Damnit I just got dressed too. While katsuki went to go take the cold shower he needed. I changed my underwear and got dressed headed downstairs. I sat at the table making my presence known to Mitsuki. "Ahh good morning Sienna. I hope Katsuki wasn't a burden to you. He always had trouble getting up." I giggled and sighed, "no he was fine. He actually got up pretty quickly when you started yelling." She smiled at me and placed a plate of eggs and toast infront of me. As I thanked her and began to eat, I heard Katsuki's room door close and he made his way downstairs. He sat at the spot next to me as his mom handed him his breakfast. We finished eating and placed our plates in the sink. Katsuki grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the door. "Oh wait Sienna, your mom called this morning. She said she wants you home tonight." I sighed and nodded as I was pulled out the door.
Time Skip
The day went by pretty fast. We just had our hero training class and then we could go home. I couldn't focus on anything but what Mitsuki said this morning. "She said she wants you home tonight." It's been 3 weeks since I've had been home. Ever since I got into U.A like they wanted. I cut all ties with them. Damnit. I soon felt a tap on my shoulder pulling my back to reality. "Hey baby you good?" I saw Katsuki holding two cases with numbers on them. He handed me one as I stood up. I signed, "Yea I'm fine. What are these?" We walked out the classroom and he explained what was going on. We had a villain and hero simulation. As I walked into the locker room, most of the girls were already changed and admiring each other's hero outfits. I put mine on (above) and immediately walked out. I heard Mina try and grab my attention but I didn't want to talk to anyone. I was pretty upset about having to talk to them today. As I made my way towards the battle ground katsuki was already there. He came up to me and placed a kiss on my lips. "Your hero outfit looks hot. It really suits you." I just looked down at the ground deep in thought. I slightly nodded and payed attention towards all might and his talking. First up was me and Kaminari. We were the villains. Todoroki and Shoji were the hero's. I didn't have the energy nor the time to deal with a full on fight. I'll end it quickly. Kaminari tried to talk to me up I just ignored and and stood at the door waiting for all nights signal. "BEGIN!" As soon as the words left his mouth I quickly teleported to the front entrance hall were Todoroki was about to put his hand on the wall and freeze the whole building. I quickly teleported right in front of him sending a blast of light towards his face instantly knocking him out. Shoji came running in and I teleported behind him and blasted him in the back sending him flying through the other end of the hall and out of the building into another building. I walked out of the building and made my way to the examination room. "Umm the villains win." All might said. As I entered everyone turned around and stared at me. I walked up to all might. "Can I leave." I signed. He nodded slowly and I walked out. Before I could walk fully out a hand grabbed my arm. "Hey? What's wrong." I yanked my arm away and proceed to walk out. Katsuki ran after me and grabbed my arm forcefully pinning be against the wall. "HEY! What the hell is wrong with you!" His voice had anger in it. My eyes turned white instantly as I grabbed him by his shirt and turned the tables. I slammed him against the wall and gripped his neck choking him a bit. "W-what the h-hell S-Sie-Sienna." He was choking. As I realized what I was doing I quickly let him go. He fell to his knees gasping for air. I quickly turned around. My eyes returning blue. I turned back around towards him with tears in my eyes. He quickly stood up and pulled me into a tight hug. " sorry." I said. I actually spoke words. I don't think he heard it unless he would have been shocked. He placed a kiss on my forehead. "Hey. I know what has you acting like this. It's what my mom said this morning right?" I nodded. He sighed and pulled me back in. Burying his face in my neck as I gripped his hero suit tightly. "I'll go with you. Wait for me ok? Go to the classroom and calm down. I'll
Come get you. We will go together." I nodded as he placed a longing kiss on my lips and went back to the monitor room. I looked down and walked towards my classroom.

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