Chapter 24

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Sienna's POV
"Oi! Oi get up!...SIENNA!....YOU BETTER NOT BE DEAD DAMNIT!...WAKE UPPPP!" I woke up to a annoyed Bakugo shaking me awake. I slapped his hand away and rubbed my eyes. "Yea yes I'm up. Why did you think I was dead? I was clearly breathing." He rolled his eyes and got up. He was wearing salmon pink pants with a black shirt. He had on white shoes. "Oh we're are you going Huh?" I teased as I got up and stretched. He scoffed and went to the door. "Get dressed. We are going out." He was about to walk out his room before I commented making him pause. "Are you ordering me? Or are you asking?" I smirked. He glanced over his shoulder with a murderous glare. I sighed. "Fine fine I get it!" "Tch." Was all he said when he closed the door. I sighed and got up. Wondering into the closet looking for something to wear. "Oh I'll match with him again! It will be fun to tease." I put on a long sleeve salmon pink sweater with a black skater skirt. I put on thigh high black boots. Brushing my white hair deciding to curl it and then brush it to give it a natural wavy look. "Great!" I walked out and downstairs to see him tapping his foot impatiently at the door. His arms crossed. He was glaring at me. "Tch. Took you long enough." I giggled and walked up to him. Grabbing his hand and interlacing our fingers. "Perfection doesn't happen over night ya know." He only smirked. "Your right. It doesn't so go back and fix yourself." I rolled my eyes and pulled away from him. Pouting and walking back towards the room. "Fine! Go somewhere by yourself then." "Hey wait!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. Wrapping his arms around my waist as mine were around his neck pouting. "I was just playing. You always look perfect." He whispered. Placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Now stop pouting." I blushed and looked away. "You always make me blush ya know." He only laughed as I turned my blushing face away. Not realizing a picture was taken. *click* I looked up to see Mitsuki standing there with a camera smiling at it. "Ya'll look so cute in your matching outfits!" I felt Katsuki's hands heat up. "DELETE IT NOW YOU OLD HAG!" He shouted as I quickly pulled him out the door. He rolled his eyes walking off. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm. Holding onto it while it was in his pockets. "Soooo were are we going?" "It's a surprise." I pouted and he glanced at me before quickly looking away.
Bakugo's POV
"Sooo were are we going?" Sienna questioned. Hanging onto my arm. "It's a surprise." I answered. I glanced over to see her pouting. I blushed a bit before quickly looking away. Not getting trapped in her little cute trap. "Awww come on. Pretty please." She tugged at my arm. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "No. That's final." She huffed. "Hmm fine then." I looked down at her to see her slightly pouting. I pulled my hand out of my pocket and interlaced our fingers. Giving a small squeeze causing her to look up. "Trust me ok?" She nodded and smiled. Warming my heart. About 5 minuets of walking we arrived to the mall. "Oh do we need something from the mall?" She looked up. I shook my head. "Close your eyes." "Huh?!" She tilted her head in confusion as I chuckled and lightly brushed her eyes closed with my hand. "Just keep them close until I say ok?" She sighed and nodded. I led her through the crowd. As we arrived I went behind her and covered her eyes with my hands. Her hands finding their way on top of mine as she giggled.
Sienna's POV
I felt myself being lead through the crowd before stopping. I could feel strong gentle hands cover my eyes. I giggled and placed mine over his. "Are we here?" There was silence. "Katsuki?" I questioned getting a little worried. "Open your eyes." He started to move our hands away from my eyes. They fluttered open. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" I shouted before covering my mouth quickly. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. My face turned completely red as I heard Katsuki burst out laughing behind me. I turned around and buried my face into his shirt. "You freaking idiot stop laughing." I mumbled as he continued to laugh. "You dumbass! Hahaha." I rolled my eyes and walked into the shop. "Oi wait for me! Come on I was joking teddy bear!" He chased after me. It was a kitty mochi shop. Must have been newly added, but how did he know? We sat at a table. Katsuki sat across from me. I sat on my legs. ""
Bakugo's POV
As we sat down at a low table with pillows on the ground. Sienna caught site of something. "" was all she said. Soon we were swarmed with a kittens. A white one with black spots climbed on top of Sienna's lap and laid there peacefully. A smaller grey one climbed onto her back and sat on her head. A yellow one climbed onto her side of the table and pounced on her chest. Nuzzling in her breasts. Her face was beaming brightly. Her smile bright. Her laugh joyful. A orange cat came up to me and rested on my lap. Another black one with yellow eyes started to paw at my hair. A orange and white one was scratching at my arm. "Oi hey little squirt that hurts." I picked up the cat off my arm and put it on the table. He pounced back on me. "Haha looks like they like you too!" Sienna giggled as she played with the cats that were with her. " yea I don't think so! OI STOP THAT!" I tried to get the black kitten off my head but he latched on and hissed. Sienna only laughed as I rolled my eyes. A noticed in the corner of my eye a yellow caterpillar slither up next to me. "So you guys are the ones that stole all the cats huh..." I jumped causing the cat in my lap to jump and latch onto my face. "Hdghsjsm." Sienna laughed and reached over. Grabbing the kitten off my face and placing it on her lap with the other one. "Aizawa? Why are you here." He reached up and grabbed the black cat off my head. Cuddling it. "For the cats. You never saw me..." he slithered away. "Well that was weird." Sienna said. Most of the kittens followed after Aizawa except for the orange one in my lap and the small grey on that was resting on Sienna's head. She giggled and placed the little guy in her lap. Petting him.

"Hello! Welcome to Mochi Cat! What can I get you both?" I women asked. I looked at the small menu that was on the table. "STRAWBERRY MOCHI!" Sienna yelled before covering her mouth and looking away. Her ears were pink as I laughed. "I'll take caramel." "Right away!" The lady walked off. Sienna turned her attention back to the cat in her lap. "So how did you know about this place?" Sienna looked up at me. "I actually saw it the last time I was here. When I was with my mom that week you were gone." She nodded as our mochi came. "Here you guys go! Enjoy." The lady left. Sienna took a mochi ball and stuffed it in her mouth. Her cheeks puffing as she chewed. I laughed and took a picture. She pouted as she smiled. "Hey delete that! I was eating!" She tried to grab my phone but I moved it out of her reach. "Nuh uh. This is my wallpaper now." She rolled her eyes.
Small time Skip
We finished our mochi and said bye to our cats. Well Sienna said bye to hers. I just walked out. We were walking around the mall looking in different stores. Buying different clothing that we didn't need but knowing Sienna she loves this stuff. We soon arrived at the game store. "Yes finally!" I shouted. "Yea no. I'll wait out here." Knowing how I am in a game store. It's understandable. "Fine. Sit here. I'll be right back ok?" I kissed her lips before setting the bags down and rushing into the game store to grab the new games.
Sienna's POV
Bakugo in a game store when his new games come out is scary. If they don't have it. He almost blew up the whole store, but when they do. He just rushes to the people and yell at them for going slow. It's actually sorta funny. I was scrolling through my phone when a boy with brown hair and green guys came up to me. "Well hello beautiful. Why are you sitting here all alone with so many bags?" I glanced up at him. Just another fuck boy. I went back to scrolling through my phone. Hoping the boy would get the hint. "Ahh playing hard to get? I like them that way." He sat next to me as I stood up and sighed. Putting my phone away crossing my arms. "I see you don't understand signals. So let me be more direct. I'm not interested. Now if you want to live and see another day. I suggest you leave me alone." He stood up and smirked. "Oh wow. Feisty." He reached towards my arm. I shook my head already hearing the explosions behind me.
Bakugo's POV
As I exited the store. I saw Sienna being bothered by a dude with ugly ass brown hair. I felt heat erupt from my hands. Already feeling the explosions. As she shook her head I walked up to her. I shot and explosion on the dudes hand causing him to pull back immediately. He had a burn mark on his hand. "She told you to fuck off? Don't make me kill you." I growled. I stared him down as Sienna went past him and collected the bags. There weren't many. About 3 honestly. "Have a good day." She walked in front of me. Before we could fully leave his range of hearing. I shouted, "ayo bitch! Suck my dick!" I stuck up the middle finger at him and caught up with Sienna. Wrapping my arm around her shoulder as we walked out the mall and back to my house. "Jesus. Can't leave your cute ass for one second." I took the bags from her as she smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Not my fault they find me attractive." I rolled my eyes and walked in front of her. "Hey wait I was playing come on!" I ran back towards the house as she followed. Making sure I wasn't a too far away distance from her.

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