Chapter 22

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Sienna's POV
We soon arrived at the arcade at around 2:25. We saw Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero sitting at a booth in the small café. Me and katsuki went up to the register. "Oh hello! What can I get you?" Katsuki was looking at the board of prices before Mina came up to us. "Oh Millie there with me! Just give them the all day unlimited pass." "You know her?" I asked Mina. She smiled and nodded. "Yep that's my older sister!" I didn't even notice it. They looked similar. Katsuki handed me my card that was on a lanyard. I put it around my neck as we walked in and stood near the booth. "Hey Bakubro!" Kirishima spoke. "Sup Sienna!" " hey guys." I smiled and waved as Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Tch. Hey." "HEY GUYS!!" Uraraka waved over to us. Todoroki and Deku followed behind. "GREAT WE ARE ALL HERE LETS GO!" Mina grabbed me,  Uraraka's and Momo's arm and dragged us into the arcade.
Bakugo's POV
Pinky cheeks, Icey hot, that damn Deku and ponytail joined up with us. "GREAT WE ARE ALL HERE LETS GO!" Mina grabbed Sienna's wrist and started to drag her away from me. "OI! LET GO OF HER YOU PINK BAST- "ahhh Bakubro let her be! She is with the girls. Let's go." I sighed and rolled my eyes before reluctantly going with Shittyhair and the rest of the boys.
Time Skip
The girls weren't far from us. Seeing as that damn Deku, and Icey hot were near them. I just kept glancing at Sienna making sure none of them got any ideas. "DIE DIE DIE!" I shouted as I continued to explode the zombie heads. "Whoa Bakugo! New high score!" Kirishima spoke. "Hey Bakugo! Let's race!" Dunce face dragged me over to what looked like a car game. I got in the seat and did the character and naming shit. "Oh hell yea! I'm gonna win this." I rolled my eyes as the game started. "IM GONNA BLOW YOUR ASS UP AND LEAVE YOU IN THE DUST!" "Oi! That's not very nice Bakugo!" "SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR!"
Sienna's POV
"YESSS!" I shouted. Beating Bakugo's score on a game he just did. The girls were laughing as they beat other scores. "Hey Deku. Where's Todoroki?" He turned around from his game he was playing with Uraraka. "Hmm oh! He is sitting right over there!" He pointed and then went back to his game. I saw Todoroki just sitting there. On his phone. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. "Hey!" He jumped a bit before realizing it was me. He put his phone away giving me his full attention. "Hello there Kingsley." I giggled. "Sienna is fine. No need for formalities." His eyes widened for a second and pink spread across his face as he nodded. "Ok. Then call me Shoto." I nodded. "Hey. Why are you over here all by yourself? Are you not having fun?"
Todoroki's POV
I was sitting down scrolling through the endless images on my phone. Everyone looked to be having fun. "Hey!" I jumped a bit and turned to my side. Seeing Sienna sitting next to me. I put my phone away and turned to her. "Hello there Kingsley." She chuckled a bit. "Sienna is fine. No need for formalities." I felt my face heat up a bit before nodding. "Ok. Then call me Shoto." She nodded before continuing. "Hey. Why are you over here all by yourself? Are you not having fun?" She questioned. I looked at everyone. They were playing different games. "No it's not that. It's just...I've never been in a place like this. I don't know how to act." She laughed as I felt my face heat up again. "Oh wow! Really? Hey it's ok. You don't have to act like anything. Just have fun!" She looked at me. Her blue eyes shinning. I let a soft smile spread across my face before nodding.
Sienna's POV
"Oh wow! Really? Hey it's ok. You don't have to act like anything. Just have fun!" I smiled at him. I noticed a soft smile form on his face. "HEY SIENNA, TODOROKI! WE ARE GOING TO PLAY LASER TAG! COME ON!" I looked over to see the group already heading into the laser tag arena. Mina was waving us down. I stood up and grabbed Todoroki's wrist. "Come on! Let's play with them!" I started to quickly drag him as he stumbled a bit behind. "But I don't know how to play." He said. I smiled. "It's ok. They will teach you!" Once we got in. The door closed. It was a darkened UV lit room. My shirt and shoes seemed to be glowing. Todoroki looked down at his white T-shirt. I smiled. "Oi sienna!" I saw Bakugo sitting next to Kirishima. His arms spread across the back of the bench. "Come on Shoto!" I pulled his wrist and sat next to Bakugo.
Bakugo's POV
"Oi Sienna!" I saw Sienna standing there holding that damn Icey hots wrist. She dragged him over to me. Sitting next to me. He on the other side of her. I sat up and wrapped my arm around her. Glaring at that damn Icey hot. "Well hello to you to!" She giggled. She started to talk to that damn Icey hot. I felt my hands start to heat up from anger. Kirishima placed a hand on my shoulder. "Dude. Calm down. They are just talking." I rolled my eyes. "Ok everyone! I will be explaining the game!" A women walked in. She as wearing a black and white stripped shirt with black pants and white shoes. She explained the game. "Ok the rules are simple. You all will be split up into two different teams. A red team and a blue team. The object of the game is to get as much points as you can. In order to get those points, you must shoot at the opposite teams vests. The vests nullify your quirks so you won't be able to use them. The score board will be posted outside once the game is over. You have 20 minuets. Any questions?" Everyone shook their head. "Good! Split yourselves up into groups and let me know when you are done." She stood to the side as everyone got up. "Hey Sienna! Come team up with me!" Pink called. Sienna nodded. "Come on Shoto. Be on my team!" Shoto?! I felt a irk mark appear on my forehead as I watched her drag Icey hot over to Mina. "That damn Icey hot!" I was gonna March over to them before Kirishima and dunce face dragged me away. "Where ya going bakubro! Your on our team!" Fuck my life
Sienna's POV
The teams were made. The blue team was Me, Todoroki, Mina and Sero and Uraraka. The red team was Katsuki, Deku, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Momo. "Ok! Red team follow me. Blue team follow my coworker." My group followed a man that looked a bit older than us while Katsuki's group followed the women. When we got into the group. The blue lights shined off the black walls. "Put on the vests and make sure they are secure." We all nodded. I clicked my vest and made sure my gun was looking. I looked over and saw Todoroki struggling. I laughed and went to help him.
Todoroki's POV
As I put on the vest. I was struggling to put it on. I heard a light laugh and looked up to see Sienna helping me. My cheeks turned pink. Luckily it was hidden by the dark room. "There! Simple." "Thank you." She only smiled. The rest of our group walked up to us. "Ok. Now that everyone is ready. We will be going in first to your base." We followed the male into the arena. There were different ramps and large walls. The room was black but had glowing colors. There looked to be a upstairs and downstairs. We were lead to a small corner that had a blue flag. "This is your base. Your health will reload. These places are scattered everywhere. At the countdown. The game will begin." He walked away and out of a door. Everyone was talking. "Hey Sienna." I tapped her shoulder. She turned around. "What is our strategy?" She giggled. "There is not strategy silly. Just aim and shoot at the other teams vests like they will do at ours." I nodded. "Here! We can stick together."  "The countdown is commending." A female voice spoke. There was slight fog releasing into the area. "5.....4......3.....2.....1....BEGIN!" Sienna grabbed my hand and ran up a ramp. We were squatted behind a wall near the railing. Over the railing was the center of the arena. "Look! Shoot!" She shouted aiming at Bakugo and Kirishima. I shot at Kirishima. Bakugo tried to shoot back but Kirishima grabbed his arm and ducked behind a wall.
Bakugo's POV
"Oi! I know what I'm doing." *pew pew* "WHAT THE FUCK!" I saw my health getting low. I turned around and saw Sienna shooting at me along with Icey hot next to her. "That damn Icey hot!" I growled. I aimed at both of them but Kirishima pulled me to the side behind a wall. "OI WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!" He shook his head. "Look at your health idiot! We gotta reheal." I scoffed and got up. Running to the flag that was on the other side.
Sienna's POV
"Ok. Looks like they are gone. Come on we gotta move!" I said. I grabbed shoto's hand and ran through the arena. I stopped and pushed Shoto to the side. Panting a bit from the running. I looked up and saw the position we were in. It looked like I had pinned him to the wall. I looked up and he was looking down on me. I felt my face heat up as I moved to the side. "Ahh sorry about that. It's just Kaminari and Deku and Momo are right there." "Hey! We got your backs!" Mina and Sero and Uraraka came next to us. "Ok. On 3." Sero spoke. "1...2...- "3 DIE BITCHES!" Bakugo showed up out of nowhere. Shooting at all of us. Everyone turned around and started to shoot. Bakugo took cover as it was a back and forth battle.
Time Skip (Todoroki's POV)
The intense battle was over. We walked into the room we were in before. Taking off the vests. Sienna walked up to me as I put my vest back on the rack. "Hey! Did you have fun." I nodded with a small smile. "Yes! It was a very interesting experience." She giggled. "Come on! Let's see our scores!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me out. We walked outside and saw the scoreboard:
King Explosion Murder: 5,785
Shoto: 4,607
Deku: 3,235
Sienna: 2,975
The list went on. "Look Shoto! You got second place! Even if it was your first time thats awesome!" She pulled at my arm. I smiled and looked down at her. "OI! ICEY HOT WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" Looked up to see Bakugo marching towards us. Kirishima rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Oh hey baby! I was just congratulating Shoto on his second place! Can you believe he has never played?" Sienna let go of me and walked up to Bakugo. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. Glaring at me. "Yea. But I got first." He growled. She only laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "Yea yea I know. Great job." She teased. "Hey guys let's get something to eat!" Momo said. Everyone nodded. Bakugo's arm didn't leave Sienna's waist as we all made our way to the café

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