Chapter 5

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I was sitting in the classroom. Letting my thoughts drown out the silence. I didn't mean to snap at Katsuki like that. It's just. The fact of it is this. My parents are horrible people who did horrible things, but no one knows about it. They are powerful. That's how things were kept under wraps. Katsuki himself didn't know about my past. I never talked about it. Whenever he would come over and spend sometime with me, I always made sure he wasn't alone with my parents. I would be scared for his safety. My thoughts were soon interrupted as the classroom door opened. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with the rest of the class?" Aizawa questioned as he walked towards his desk and set down some papers. I signed, "I finished early and asked to leave." He sighed and started to flip through the papers. "I saw your fight." I looked up at him. "Seeing that and comparing that to your quirk assessment confuses me." I felt my heart start to pick up in speed as be pointed out my mistakes. Before he could interrogate me further, katsuki came in. "Hey you ready?" As soon as he asked I quickly stood up and grabbed his arm and dragged him out the door.
Time Skip
We were at Katsuki's house getting ready. My parents were always the formal type. Even if they weren't in formal attire, they expected me to be in it. I put on a small blue dress that faded into a lighter blue at the bottom with a bit of sparkles. A white ribbon was wrapped in the center. I put on a small little cut jacket so I wouldn't get cold. It was long sleeved and connected in the front with jewels. I neatly placed my hair in a side ponytail and placed my bangs along my face. I placed a crystal like hair piece in my hair. Taking a deep breath I stood in the mirror as I watched Katsuki struggle to tie is blue bow tie. He did it so he could match my dress. His suit was white. I smiled and walked over to him helping him.
Bakugou's POV
"Damn dumbass tie" I thought to myself. I never had a problem with it before but maybe it was because I was worried. Not about Sienna's parents but about her. She spoke for the first time in years earlier today. Her voice was soft and sounded tired. I wanted to ask her what got her so worked up but I already knew the answer. She never told me about her past but then again I never questioned her about it. Whenever we were at her house and I would be alone with her mom or dad, she would rush in and pull me away. I never knew why she didn't want me to be alone with her parents but again, I never questioned her. As I continued to struggle with the damn tie, I felt soft small hands over mine. Y/N was now dressed and helped me with my tie. I picked out a blue one to match her dress. Her dress really complemented her figure as well as her eyes and hair. She looked beautiful. As she fixed my tie I placed a kiss on her forehead causing her to giggle a bit. "You ready?" I asked her. She took a deep breath and nodded her head. I lead her downstairs. Before we could walk out the door the old hag just had to take a picture of us. I argued and yelled but Sienna just wrapped her arms around my waist and smiled brightly. I looked down and gave a small smile. That's when I saw the flash. Before I could yell again Sienna was pulling me outside. We started to walk towards her house.

As we arrived to the gated mansion, Sienna spoke into the little box and the gate opened. We walked up the long drive away. Her leading me hand in hand. The security guard at the gate just said, "good evening Ms. Kingsley Mr. Bakugou." I rolled my eyes. They do that every time she enters. What an annoyance. As we approached the marble stairs and stood in front of my large dark brown double doors, I felt Sienna squeeze my hand. I have her a little squeeze back reassuring her. She took a deep breath before running the doorbell. I don't know why she did that when she could have just walked in. The grand doors opened revealing a butler like person. "Welcome Ms. Kingsley and Sir Bakugou. They are waiting in the dinning room." He said as he stood to the side and held is arm out gesturing us to come in. Sienna froze there for a second before stepping inside house. As we walked down the hall I noticed there weren't a lot of family photos. Most of it was pieces of art or Pictures is Sienna. She didn't smile though. She had a straight face. She looked sad. As we approached cream colored double doors Sienna completely stopped making me walk into her back. She didn't flinch. She did tense up a bit. "Hey." I said in a low voice. She slightly turned her head over her shoulder. "It's gonna be ok. I'm here. We can leave at anytime." She nodded and pushed open the cream door. As we walked in, both of her parents were sitting on one side of the dark wooded table. 4 plates were placed out. Two in front of them and two on the other side. They must have known I was gonna come. "Aww Sienna sweetie you look beautiful." Her mother cooed as she stood up and walked up to Sienna. She bent down and hugged her but Sienna didn't hug her back. She stood there and gripped my hand a bit hard. "Please take a seat. We expected you alone but I'm not surprised you brought Bakugou with you." Her father said. Sienna lead me towards our side of the table. I pulled out her seat and she sat down. I sat down next to her. "So. How is U.A." Her mother asked as she sat back down and started to eat her food. We had lemon salmon on top of what looked like white lemoned rice. Sienna didn't say a word. "So are you not going to answer my question? That is very rude Sienna. You know how I feel about you being rude." Her mothers voice turned cold. Venom was laced in it. Sienna took in a sharper breath as her mother spoke. She looked up and started to sign. "It is going good." She looked scared. Her father let out a loud sigh. "I see your still not talking. What a pity." He shook his head. "So. Bakugou. Still wanting to become a hero." He asked as he placed a piece of salmon in his mouth. "Yes sir." I said before doing the same. Sienna hadn't touched her food yet. She was just staring down at it. "Hmm if only Sienna had the passion to become strong like you." Her father said as he took a sip of his dark red wine. "Oh Sienna dear. You should eat. We wouldn't want your limps breaking on you for being too skinny." Her mother said. I glanced over and saw Sienna shaking slightly. She picked up her fork and started to eat slowly. I could tell something wasn't right.

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