Chapter 52

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Bakugo's POV
"THIS IS MINE GOD DAMNIT!" The three idiots were all trying to take some of my small ice cream up. "Aww come on Bakubro!" Shittyhair grabbed my arm. "Yea Bakugo. Sharing is caring." Tape boy was leaning over. "SHARE SHARE!" Dunce face grabbed my other arm. "GET OFF ME! FUCK OFF!" I shouted trying to get away from them. We all stopped when we heard the elevator ding. Coming out was Sienna and Mina. She was wearing a pink sweater loosely tucked into a grey pleated skirt with pink, black and white stripped design. She wore knee high grey boots. Her hair was in a ponytail with a braid on each side. She had a small pink purse wrapped around her.

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I felt my face heat up

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I felt my face heat up. I didn't even care as tape boy snatched my ice cream. "Oi Sienna where the hell do you think your going?" I got up and crossed my arms. Slightly glaring at her. She looked at me confused. "Did you forget katsuki...." She deadpanned. I looked at her confused then at Shittyhair. He just shrugged. "What the hell are you talking about." I scoffed. Pinky shook her head. "Boys are complete idiots." She mumbled. "WHAT DID YOU SAY PINKY!" I shouted. "Katsuki you said you would take me out on a date today...." my eyes widened as I sweat dropped. "I-I did?" I rubbed the back of my neck. "Yes baby you did. You forgot didn't you." She crossed her arms and pouted. Damnit. "It's fine we don't have to go anymore." She started to walk towards the elevator but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to me. "Hey hey you got all dolled up. I'll take you out. Just give me 30 minuets ok? Or...." I smirked and leaned down to her ear. Letting one of my hands stay on her waist as the other traveled under her skirt to find her ass cheek. Giving it a lightly squeeze. "We can go back to my room and have some fun." I heard her lightly chuckle as she kissed lightly on my neck. "OI BAKUBRO LETS GET YOU READY!" Shittyhair grabbed my arm and Dunce face grabbed my other one. Running towards the elevator. Tape boy pushed the button for our floor. "Oi what the fuck!" I yanked my arm away as Shittyhair sighed. "Dude she was baiting you." "Huh?" Dunce face shook his head. "Bakugo. You never said you guys had a date today. She wanted you to say that and got all cute just so she could tempt you. You fell for it." I narrowed my eyes thinking before they widened. "S-she did bait me..." I mumbled. "Yea and your dumbass fell for it." Tape shook his head as we all got out of the elevator and walked to my dorm. "Great now I gotta take her out." I sighed getting changed. And finding something to wear. "Hmm well just take her to a movie or something. If anything. Get her back.." dunce face spoke. I turned around while Shittyhair helped me find a matching outfit. "Huh? What do you mean get her back? How?!" I deadpanned. Shittyhair laughed as he handed me a pink dress shirt. "PINK?!!" I shouted. "Just put it on." He spoke. I rolled my eyes and did it. "Yea. What does she like to see you in?" I thought for a moment. Then smirked as I remembered her action when we had our middle school dance.
"Oi Sienna get your ass down here!" I shouted. Fiddling with my fucking tie. I saw her come down her spiral like marble steps. Her parents were out for the weekend and wouldn't be home until the day after tomorrow. My face instantly heated up. Her dress was short and orange. She instantly looked at me and teleported. Hugging me tightly. I could hear her sniffing. "Oi you know it's rude to sniff people." I chuckled as I ran my fingers through her hair. She looked up and kissed me. Shoving her tongue down my throat. I pushed her away slightly gasping for air. "Oi what the- oh..." I smirked at her. Her eyes where filled with lust. "Why are your eyes so glossy teddybear." I whispered in her ear. She attacked my neck. Kissing and sucking on it. I let out a groan. "S-Sienna." I mumbled. "Why did you have to wear a fucking suit." She mumbled. She jumped on me and kissed my lips again. Sucking and bitting on them. I wrapped my arms under her squeezing her ass as I walked her back upstairs to her room.
End of Flashback...
I snapped out of the memory and looked around my dorm. Shittyhair had a grey jacket in his hand with widened eyes and a red face. Dunce face looked shocked. His mouth was open along with tape boy's. "What?" I looked at them. "D-dude...w-what happened after?" Dunce face asked as his face turned even more red. I smirked. "Tch we didn't go to the dance. I ruined her." Shittyhair choked. "Ok then suit it is." He handed me the jacket. "Wait do you have the smell she was sniffing?" Tape boy asked. "Hmm yea I think so." I went to my dresser and saw the small bottle. I put some on. "Awww Bakubro you look so manly." Shittyhair held a fist to his heart as I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go. We kept her waiting long enough." We all walked out my dorm and back down towards the elevator.
Sienna's POV
"Aww man we totally had him." Mina pouted as I fixed myself. Rubbing away the blush form my cheeks. "I think Kirishima caught on." Mina shook her head. "No way. We made sure it wasn't obvious." Mina reassured me. I sighed and nodded. Sitting on the couch with my legs crossed. About 30 minuets later the boys came out the elevator. I turned around and my face instantly heated up. I quickly turned back around and faced the tv. Crossing my legs tighter. "Sienna what's wrong?" She asked. "R-remember the story I t-told you....about seeing b-Bakugo in a s-suit..." I stuttered out. Her eyes widened as she frowned. I could feel Bakugo's smirk biting into my skull. "Son of a bitch." I mumbled. And he was matching me.

"Oi Sienna!" I heard him call me

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"Oi Sienna!" I heard him call me. I stayed facing the tv. He moved closer and I could instantly smell him. "Is this bitch wearing what I think he's wearing.." I thought to myself. I clutched my skirt. I could feel him leaning over me. His warm breath on my neck. "Oi teddybear I'm talking to you." He huffed out. His voice deeper than usual. I instantly stood up and grabbed Mina's hand. Stomping towards the elevator. "HEY SIENNA WHAT ABOUT THE DATE!" Kirishima asked. I growled. "IM NOT FEELING WELL FUCK OFF!" I shouted back. Once we got in the elevator I let out a breath I was holding. "Damnit that bastard knew." I mumbled. "How?! It had to be the boys." Mina said. I rolled my eyes and we went into my dorm and I changed. Flopping on my bed as Mina sat in a bean bag. I screamed into my pillow. "IM SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED DAMNIT HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING!" I shouted in my pillow. Mina sighed. "It's ok. Tomorrow we will get him back. I gotta idea." She smirked. I turned to her. Sitting up as we discussed the plan.
Bakugo's POV
I walked out to see Sienna look at me but instantly look away. I chuckled a bit. "Oi Sienna!" I called to her but she didn't turn around. Shittyhair pushed me foreword. I slapped is arm and leaned over the couch. "Oi teddybear I'm talking to you." I huffed out. Using a deeper voice than usual. She grunted a bit and stood up quickly. Her face flushed red. She grabbed Mina's hand and dragged her out. "HEY SIENNA WHAT ABOUT THE DATE!" Shittyhair yelled while holding back a laugh. "IM NOT FEELING WELL FUCK OFF!" She shouted back. As soon as the elevator doors closed we all bursted out laughing. High fiving each-other. "Yea Bakubro we got her!" Shittyhair spoke. "Yea dude I could tell she was frustrated!" Tape boy said. "HER FACE WAS RED!" Dunce face yelled. I rolled my eyes and stopped my laughing. "We got her back." I said. They all nodded. "Wait...what do you think she is gonna do to get us back... I'm pretty sure she and Mina know what we did and that we caught on." Dunce face said. We all went quite and started to think. "I don't know, but whatever it is...we'll be ready for it!" Shittyhair spoke. "Hell yea!" I smirked.

Let the battle begin......

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