Chapter 44

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Sienna's POV
We walked in silence as he interlaced our fingers. Giving a small squeeze. I felt my heart flutter like the first time he had kissed me on the lips. I smiled at him as his attention was still forward. "Katsuki i- "please." "Huh?" "Can we talk about that later. Please?" He already knew what I was going to say. I sighed and nodded as he lead me into the mall. Kitty mochi shop. I smiled as we sat down. Seeing the little kittens come up to us. The same grey one laying in my lap meowing and nuzzling it's head in my leg. The black one sat on top of Bakugo's head and pulled his hair. "Damnit why is it always you!" He scolded as he pulled the cat off his head and onto the table. "Give me back Sylvester..." a dead voice panned making us both jump. I looked and saw Aizawa in his sleeping back. He grabbed the kitten and wiggled away. "Jesus what a creepy teacher." I giggled. "Hey so what are we- before I could finish. Strawberry mochi was placed in front of me. My eyes lit up as I instantly started eating it. Stuffing my face. Choking a couple times which caused katsuki to laugh. We soon finished our food and he grabbed my hand again. Pulling me away in another direction. "Now where are we going?" I teased. He huffed and pulled me outside. Walking towards a park. "Tch. Don't you trust me." I was quiet for a second. "Yes." I smiled.
Time Skip
We were in a old park. I noticed the two yellow swings. "Oh my god katsuki look! Come on!" I grabbed his arm and rushed to the swings. Sitting down and kicking my feet lightly. "So you do remember this place." He smiled down at the ground. I nodded and smiled. "Well yea! It was the place where we shared our first kiss." I smiled looking down at the sand beneath me. I looked up and saw katsuki walking away. "Hey wait!" I got up and ran after him. I stopped a couple of times cause running in heels is a pain. I eventually caught up to him. He was holding out flowers. The same ones he gave me when he was younger. I felt my face heat up. "H-here..." he handed them to me. I smiled and took them. The sun was setting. It was beautiful. I turned to my side and saw Katsuki on one knee. "Oh my god." I covered my hand with my mouth.

*cliché yes I know but it's cute* my eyes widened

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*cliché yes I know but it's cute* my eyes widened. "Sienna..." he started to speak but I shook my head. "No katsuki we are too young. I can't- "WOULD YOU LET ME FINISH DAMNIT!" He rolled his eyes. I pouted and nodded. "Before I was rudely interrupted..." I rolled my eyes. "Look. I know I haven't been the best boyfriend recently. I...I said some things that I damn sure didn't mean. Not one word of it. Sienna....I saw you with Todoroki that day. I came to see you after those idiots saved me and I saw you with him. You looked happy and I hated it. When you two started to hang out more after our fight. It pissed me off. It made me angry, but I did cause it. I saw you two in the classroom. I saw what you guys did." My eyes widened. As I shook my head. "I know. You rejected him. For love me and will always be by my side. No matter what I do. If I push you will still be there with loving arms. Waiting for me to return and I always will. Damnit Sienna I love you. I love you so much and I'm sorry. So so sorry for what I did to you." I noticed tears in his eyes. Threatening to come out. "I...I never meant to hurt you. It's just...a lot was going through my mind and I took it out on you. I'm so so sorry." The tears were running down his face as he quickly wiped them away. Taking a deep breath. "I...I realized I want to be with you forever. That I never want to be apart from you. So...." he pulled out a small blue box. Holding two rings. One was a thick silver band with a heart shaped hole while the other was a smaller silver band with a heart shaped diamond on top of it.

"Until we graduate

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"Until we graduate. I want to make a promise to you. That I will never leave you. That I will stay by your side no matter what. That I'll always be yours. That I will always and forever love you. It will always be you." I felt the tears following down my face. "K-katsuki." "Before I give you these. I want you to promise me. Promise me you will be there for me. Even if I push you away. You will fight. Fight for us. Fight for me. Love me. Never leave me. Stay by my side. Always and forever." I jumped on him and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. I sobbing onto his shirt. "I promise katsuki. I promise." I whispered. He pulled me away and put the ring on my ring finger. I put the other one on his. He looked at me with a smile. "When we graduate. I'm going to marry you." I cried even more as he pulled me into a tight hug.

Letting my wet his shirt with my tears

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Letting my wet his shirt with my tears. He pulled away and wiped my face and running mascara with his thumb smiling at me. "I'm sorry teddybear." He whispered placing his forehead on mine. I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed his lips. "It's ok. I forgive you. I love you katsuki." I whispered. He kissed me again. "Tch. Love you too dumbass."

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