Chapter 20

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Bakugo's POV
Finally the damn internship was over. Jeanist combed back my hair and now it won't go back to normal. I was glad to get out of those horrible jeans he made me wear. Elllk. Disgusting. As I stood by the door with me and Sienna's suitcases. I tapped my foot impatiently. "DAMNIT HURRY UP SIENNA! WE ARE GOING TO MISS THE TRAIN!" Tch. I never understood why girls take so fucking long to get ready. About 3 minuets later. The bedroom door opened and closed. I saw Sienna in her school uniform. Her hair was in two pink tails with orange bow ribbons. I felt my face heat up as she walked up to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Sorry to keep ya waiting boom boom boy." She giggled and walked out the door. I grabbed her arm and slammed the door shut. Pushing her against the door. Her eyes widened. I leaned down against her neck causing her to squirm a bit. "I said. Stop calling me that before I have to punish you teddy bear."
Sienna's POV
As I walked out. I saw Katsuki's face heat up. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Sorry to keep ya waiting boom boom boy." I giggled. I haven't stopped calling him that since the kids. I went to walk out the door but someone pulled my wrist back and slammed the door shut. I turned around as katsuki pushed me against the door. My eyes widened. He leaned down against my neck. His breath heating my neck. I squirmed a bit. "I said. Stop calling me that before I have to punish you teddy bear." He growled before lightly biting my neck and pulling away. He reached beside me and opened the door as I stepped to the side and looked at him in shock. "H-he really j-just did that." I thought. As she grabbed our bags and walked down the hall. He extended his hand and smirked. "You coming babygirl? Or do I have to drag your ass." I was snapped out of my trance. I closed the door and walked up to him. Grabbing his hand and interlacing our fingers. As we walked out passed the lobby and into the front of the building. Best Jeanist was there with a car and a driver. "Here. He will take you to U.A. Since you both missed the train." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm sorry. That was my fault." He waved me off. "It's fine it's fine. Anywho. You both did great this week. I guess I underestimated both of you. Good job. You both still have much more growing to do but you did well." I nodded as Katsuki just rolled his eyes. We got into the car and drove off.
Time Skip
We arrived at U.A. We stopped by Katsuki's house first to drop off our bags. It was Friday. We only had one class and that was to discuss our internships. We walked down the halls. Katsuki holding my hand still. As I opened the door. I saw most of my classmates already in there. "Hey Kingsley-San!" Deku called. I smiled and let go of katsuki and walked over to him. "Hey Deku! How was your internship?" He rubbed his neck awkwardly. "Ehhh it was ok. I learned a lot!" I smiled. "Hey Kingsley-kun!" Uraraka walked over along with Todoroki and Iida. "Hey guys! How was ya'lls internships? Oh god Iida what happened to your arm?" I looked at his arm. They all seemed like they were hiding something expect for Uraraka. "Oh Uhh nothing. I just hurt it while helping my hero with something that's all." He averted his eyes. "Mine was awesome! I learned a lot!" Uraraka Beamed. I looked to Todoroki. "It was ok I guess." His monotone voice caught me off guard a bit but I just nodded. "How was yours Kingsley-San?" Deku asked. "Ahh it was interesting." I giggled as I heard yelling from the other side of the room. We all turned and saw Bakugo being crowded by Mina, Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima. Teasing him about his hair. "Ahh I'll be back." I sighed and walked over to them.
Bakugo POV
"Wow Bakugo dude! Nice hair." Shittyhair said. "Yea dude! Looks really class Pfft." Dunce face said. "Hahahaha I-I can't ahahaha." Pinky said. "That'" Tape boi said. I growled. "Shut up! It won't go back to normal. I've tried everything." I mumbled as they all laughed. I saw Sienna walking over to me. She hugged me and sat next to me on the desk I was leaning on. She played with my hair. "Well I think he looks rather handsome." I felt my face turn a thousand shades of red. I tried to hide it before any of those idiots saw but it was too late. "OMG AHHAHA." Tape said. "IS-IS HE...haha!" Pinky was rolling in the floor dying of laughter. "Did you just blush?" Dunce face spoke. "SHUT THE FUCK UP I DID NOT!" I yelled as my hair puffed back to normal. They broke into another fit of laughter as Sienna giggled. "Looks like your hair is back bro." Shittyhair said. I rolled my eyes and put my head in Sienna's chest as she only laughed and rubbed my head. "Ok ok everyone calm down and get to your seats. We have a few things we need to discuss before I release you all for the weekend." Aizawa spoke. I pulled away some Sienna as she hopped down off the desk and sat at her own.
Time Skip
About a hour later it was time to go. I picked up my bag and walked out the door. I waited for Sienna to walk out the classroom. She was talking with Mina and Momo. Deku, Uraraka, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero were all behind them. "Oh yes that sounds like a great idea!" Momo said. "Yes I would love to go! Sounds like fun!" Sienna spoke. She walked up to me and grabbed my hand. "What are you idiots talking about." She squeezed. "Be nice." She snapped as I rolled my eyes. "Well we were thinking about going to the arcade this weekend. Wanna come?" Pinky spoke to everyone. "Sounds awesome!" "Sure why not?" "Uhh o-ok!" "YAYA!" "I guess I shall attend." "Great! Bakugo?" Mina turned to me. I rolled my eyes. "Tch. Hell no! I'm not going to spend my weekend with a bunch of extras." Sienna turned to me. "Pleasse! It will be fun!" She pouted. I turned away and felt my face light pink. I felt a arm around my neck pulling me down. "Ahh come on Bakugo! Don't be such a downer!" "GET OFF OF ME SHITTY HAIR!" I pushed him away as he only laughed. "Tch. Whatever." I dragged Sienna along leaving all of them laughing. "WE WILL BE THERE! TEXT ME THE TIME AND ADDRESS MINA!" Sienna shouted and waved. "WILL DO!" Mina yelled back.

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