Chapter 47🍋

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Bakugo's POV
I woke up to feeling a bit cold. I turned around and didn't see Sienna next to me. I got up going to the bathroom to do my normal morning routine. "DIE GERMS!"

I finished and walked out the bathroom

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I finished and walked out the bathroom. Walking downstairs I saw Sienna sitting on the couch with a dark grey blanket. Watching something on tv.  I walked into the kitchen. "We will be gone the whole day and won't be returning until Tuesday night. Please behave yourself katsuki." -love mom and dad. "Tch I always behave myself." I muttered throwing the note away. I looked on the table and saw a omelet. I the plate and went to the couch. Sitting next to Sienna. "Good morning katsuki." She kissed my cheek. My face turned pink as I looked away and ate my food. "Hey are you excited for the exams tomorrow?" She looked away from the tv and at me. I finished my food and placed the plate on the small table next to the couch. I leaned back and draped my arms across the back of the couch. "Tch. Hell yea! I get to murder villains." Sienna looked at me with worried eyes. "Ummm yea thats one way to think about it." She laughed as I rolled my eyes. "So what are we doing today?" I asked. She smirked and curled up next to me. Leaning her head on my shoulder. "BARBIE MOVIE MARATHON!" I looked at her and shook my head. "Hell no." She pouted. "NO THAT IS NOT GOING TO WORK ON ME!" She frowned. "BUT I WANT TO WATCH IT!" "I SAID NO!" "WHO CARES WHAT YOU THINK! I WAS DOWN HERE FIRST!" "NO GOD DAMNIT IM NOT WATCHING FUCKING BARBIE!"
Time Skip. 5 hours later
"Yayaya that was fun!" Sienna turned off the tv smiling. I frowned and growled at her. "You mother fucker...." I mumbled. She actually made me watch that shit. Sienna got up and I noticed what she was wearing. A white crop tank top with blue short underwear.

"Hmm cute ass Sienna

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"Hmm cute ass Sienna." I smacked it as she jumped and glared at me. "Do that again and I'll murder you." I frowned and stood up. Grabbed her by the waist. "Who do you think your talking to?" I leaned down to her neck. Letting my warm breath hit her skin. "Tch. You who else?" I chuckled. "So you want to be bold huh. That's what your gonna do?" I gripped her waist tighter. "Ha what are you gonna do about it." She smirked. I kissed her lips. Shoving my tongue into her mouth. She let out a soft Hmm. I grabbed her ass and squeezed it as she let out a soft Yelp. I started to kiss her neck. Sucking and biting down. Leaving makes everywhere. She moaned softly. I picked her up as she left her marks on my neck. I carried her up the stairs and to my bedroom. Closing the door with my foot. She licked lips with me again. My hands on her ass squeezing as her hands were on my face. I tossed her on the bed and smirked. Taking off my shirt and pants leaving my boxers on. I crawled over top of her and leaned into her ear. Letting my hands roam her body. "I don't know where this little attitude of your came from...but I'm about to fuck it right out of you." I glanced over to see her eyes widened as I chuckled and went for her lips.
Sienna's POV
My eyes widened at what katsuki said. I moaned softly as he kissed my neck. Making his way down to my collarbone. He took off my top. Groping and kissing my chest. "B-Bakugo." I whispered. He only chuckled and moved lower. Removing my underwear he started to go down. Feeling his moist tongue against my part making me moan and arch my back up. I lightly grabbed his head. "K-katsuki." I mumbled softly as I bit my lip trying to stop my sounds. "A-ahhh." I moaned again. I felt him chuckle against me. As his tongue went faster I started to pant. Feeling myself about to cum I tried to pull his head away. He only wrapped his arms around my waist and dug his head deeper. "K-katsuki...I-I'm about t-to... nghh." I moaned as I felt myself cum. I let out a loud sigh and tried to half my rapid beating heart. I looked down at katsuki to see him grinning. "Hmmm you cummed faster then I planned. Did you enjoy it that much." I frowned at him as he wiped a small bit of cum off his lips and licked his finger. I grabbed him by his dick and pulled him close. Flipping him around. He smirked and relaxed. I pulled off his boxers as how rested his hands behind his head. Looking down at me. I took his member into my hand and looked at him. Rubbing against it gently. "Go ahead. I'm not going to stop you." He smirked and closed his eyes. "This little fucker." I thought. I started to rub my hand on it going up and down as he hmmed and groaned slightly. I rubbed the tip with my thumb as he looked at me. "Stop playing around." He frowned. I smirked and licked it. From bottom to top. Swirling my tongue around the tip. I heard him groan. I put the whole thing in my mouth. Letting my tongue and mouth do the work. Feeling my saliva cause lewd noises. He groaned loaded. "Fuck." I heard in curse under is breath. I took it out and dropped it. His eyes shot open and he looked at me. I smirked. "Maybe you should learn to be more appreciative." I was about to get off the bed before he grabbed me. Turned me around. And shoved his dick down my throat. I gagged a bit. He grabbed the back of my hand and started shoving it deeper as his groans turned louder. "Fuck...Sienna...fuck- Ahh." He could barley speak. As I saw he was about to cum. I flicked my tongue on his sensitive spot. Causing him to cum instantly down my throat. Feeling the warm sensation. He pulled out of my mouth as I coughed a bit. He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me on my back. He reached for the draw on his dresser and pulled out a condom. Sliding on his dick he looked at me and frowned. "So you though that little stunt you tried to pull was funny?" He leaned in. Kissing my jaw line and chest. His hand traveled down to my part and started to rub it causing me to moan. "Tch. I'm not one to be fucked with Sienna. Let's see how long you will last." He shoved himself into me causing me to moan loudly and let out a soft scream.

"Jesus your tight...fuck." He mumbled as he started to move. He wrapped a hand around my neck and gave it a slight squeeze. He groaned. Feeling his member in the warm wetness of my part. He started to go faster as I clawed at his skin. He squeezed a bit harder around my neck causing me to gasp for air. Feeling a mix of pain and pleasure. "K-katsuki." I mumbled and I moaned out his name. "Fuck..." he mumbled. Growling he bit his
Lip as he threw his head back and went faster. I gripped the sheets and arch my back towards him. Feeling my eyes roll to the back of my head. He leaned over and placed his hands on the wall. I felt him go deeper into me as he leaned over causing me to moan louder. He went faster. His hips moving. I clawed at his back. Feeling my nails penetrate his skin as he moaned. "Fuck Sienna ahhhh." I felt him hit a senator I've spit causing me to moan louder and scream a bit. He looked at me with wide eyes then he smirked. Hitting that spot over and over I grinned his back. Cumming. "Ah fuck." He mumbled soon feeling himself cum. I felt a warm liquid inside me. I looked at him panting and sweaty. "I-I think it broke." I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulders. I tried to get him out of me. "Hold up damnit. I have to catch my breath." He was panting. I looked up at the wall where he was holding. It had dark burned hand prints. I looked to the sheets I was clutching and saw burn marks. He pulled out slowly causing me to moan. Taking off the condom and throwing it away he collapsed on top of me. Trying to calm his breath. "I do appreciate you teddybear." He whispered. I smiled slightly feeling my legs and body ache. I played with his head as he rested himself on my chest. "Come on. We gotta take a shower." I whispered. He groaned standing up and walked towards the bathroom. I tried to stand up soon fell on my knees. "Aww you can't walk? What a damn shame. I wonder who did that to you." Bakugo walked over and smirked down at me. I frowned and glared at him. He picked me up and we took a shower together. Once we got out he put me in a pair of his boxers and one of his t-shirts. He got black shorts and was shirtless. He climbed back on top of me and laid there. Listening to my heartbeat. "I love you teddybear." He mumbled. I smiled and kissed the top of his head. "I
Love you too katsuki." Soon falling asleep.

" Soon falling asleep

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