5 • Kara?

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"Alex what's up? Why the alert?" Asked John looking up at the DEO main computer.
"I'm not sure, but it seems an illegal deforestation operation in the mountains up north from National City got attacked by some unknown, possible alien, weaponry."
"I'll go check it out and get Mon-el to meet me there."


John and Mon-el cautiously made their way up the mountain until they came to a huge clearing. Poking out from the earth was part of an alien ship.

"I'm guessing they must of hit it when cutting down the trees and trigged it's self defence weapons." Suggested John.
"Probably, but why is it even buried here in the first place?" Asked Mon-el.

They headed closer to the ship. "There." Mon-el pointed to what appeared to be a door. He stood in front of it and used his laser eyes to break down the door.

John and Mon-el made their way in to the unlit ship. They scouted though the many corridors, the smooth sliver walls reflecting Johns touch light off into the darknesses that engulfed the ship. They crept down the hallway, passing multiple doors, eventually the corridor led them to the biggest door yet. Taking up most of the space between the floor and ceiling the half-open door loomed over them.

Mon-el glanced towards John, who gave him a nod. Mon-el crept though the door with John closely behind him. The men enter into a large hexagon shaped room, the rim of the ceiling lit by a dim red light. One of the walls was filled with a computer screen and controls below, with the opposite two walls lined with tanks filled with a murky blue liquid.

Mon-el walked over to the tanks, examining them. "John, I think there are people in these."

John walked over to him. "I think you're right. Hang on, that one is open." John pointed towards an empty tank.
"That means-" Mon-el was interrupted by loud click from behind them. They both turned round and saw a shadowy figure in the doorway.

A blast came from the shadow, Mon-el dogged to the side. "Hey! We don't want to hurt you!" He shouted, lifting his hands up and slowly approached the door.

The shadow stepped forward, turning into a woman. She held a slick sliver gun, her hands shaking and breathing heavily. She stepped closer, her face and short blond hair bathed in the red light, looking at John, then her eyes landed on Mon-el. "Oh my god." She gasped.

Mon-el lost all sense of the world around him, he stared at her unable to believe she was really here, that she was alive. "Kara?"

She dropped the gun and hesitantly walked towards him, closing the space between them. "M-Mon?" Kara questioned. A genuine smile spread across Mon-el's face.

Kara placed her hand on the side of his face and looked into his eyes, a confused look appeared on hers.

After a moment, Mon-el hugged her. However, she hesitated, then relaxed slightly and hugged him back.

Mon-el pulled away. "Kara, how are you here? How are you alive?" He asked.
"I...um..." she said weakly, raising her hand to her head. "I don't know-" she collapsed in his arms.

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now