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All Kara could her was the echo of her feet against the ground, darkness spreading out before her.

"You're a lair." Her voice echoed around her, even thought she wasn't the one who said it

"You're weak."

"You deserve this."

A babies cries filled the air around her. Kare knew that was her baby. She frantically looked around for them, unable to see anything though the darkness.

She tried to scream out for her child, but no noise escaped her mouth.

Kara collapsed to her knees and cried.

"Everything that will happen from now on is your fault."

The babies cries stopped.

Kara could feel her own heartbeat, instead of that of her child's.


She looked up and saw Mon standing in front of her, hand reached out. She grabbed it and he pulled her close and the darkness faded to light.


Kara bolted upright, breathing heavily, she reached for the other side of the bed. She withdrew her hand when she found nothing. She got up and looked out the window, light had begun to fill the world outside.


As soon as he stepped out of the house, sunlight blinded his eyes, he look away and saw he was standing in garden his parents had worked on for years, surrounded by tall trees. He look up, an artificial light blue sky stretched out above him, with a sun smiling down at him.

He walk along and stretched out his hand, running it threw plants surrounding him. He smiled at the beauty of what his parents had created.

He look out in-front of him, Kara stood not to far ahead. He slowly walked forwards, he noticed she had got changed, she was now in a white dress flowing to the ground, with her loose golden curled hair falling slightly past her shoulders.

She turned round and her blue comet eyes stared into his. "Hi."
"How are you feeling today?"
"Better." She smiled at him.

"What is it?" He asked.
"There is something on your mind, I can tell."
"I'm just.. I'm happy that you are here.. with me. Your support has made this easier in some sense."

Kara looked away and smiled, biting her lip. "Do you want to know something?" Mon-el looked at her with a puzzled look on his face.
"What is it?"
"I never finished that book."
"What, Romeo and Juliet? I only just gave it to you, it's ok."
"No silly, originally, I never finished it in the first place."
"What, I never told you-" She saw the light dawn in his eyes. "Kara?" She nodded.

He ran over and hugged her. Kara drew back slightly, she reached up and placed her hand on the side of his face and a goofy smile appeared on her lips. They both started crying.
"I missed you so much, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault this happened to you, I'm so sorry-"
Kara kissed him, Mon-el pulled her close. She drew back slightly, resting her head against his. "None of this is your fault, ok? You are not responsible. I don't care how we go here. I'm just happy that you are in my arms again."

Mon-el smiled. "How did you remember?"
"Last night, I overheard you telling your parents about me and everything came back as you told them, I don't know how to explain it."
"It's ok, I don't care, you're all that matters to me right now." He kissed her again, whilst reaching out and clasping her hand, in return felt her grip his hand.

"No more hiding things, no more pretending they don't exist." She said.
"Kara, I promise you that I will always be honest with you, I'm so sorry for what I did in the past, it wasn't fair on you or me-"
"Hey it's ok, I get the sense that we are beyond any of that now. That was the past. This is the present and I don't want to focus on what if's. All I want to focus on is that I love you Mon."


Ok I am so happy that Kara has got her memories back. I have envisioned this moment for awhile and being finally able to write it 🥰

Anyway, I will not be uploading anymore chapters until the new year.

Merry Christmas, Juilet x

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now