2 • Wake up

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Eventually Mon-el had got back to sleep. But the morning came and he had to get up to work.

He slowly opened his eyes and stared at the empty ceiling. A sigh escaped his lips and he rolled out of bed. Mon-el randomly grabbed clothes off his floor and got changed, heading out the door to another dull day.

By the time Mon-el got to CatCo another busy morning had began for everyone. Mon-el sat down at his desk and threw himself into his work, trying to drown out the day.

A little while before lunch James walked over to Mon-el's desk. "Hey how's the article coming along?" He asked.
"Not bad." Replied Mon-el, barely glancing up from his screen. "You enjoying your new position?"
"Yeah, I can't believe Cat gets to work at the Whitehouse. By the way I like the beard."
"Um thanks." Mon-el glanced up, slightly smiling. After Kara's death he had lost the momentum, amongst other things, to shave but eventually decided that a beard suited him quite well, so he kept it.

"Also, I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch? There is this new place downtown that I think you'd like." Asked James.
"Thanks for the offer but I need to finish this."
"It will do you some good to have a break, you've been working on that article all morning."
"James I'm good. Go find someone else." Mon-el said, waving James off.
"Come on Mon-el! When was the last time you went out for lunch?" Mon-el's fingers froze over the keyboard for a few moments before he stood up and faced James.
"I said I'm good! Leave-" Mon-el was interrupted by his phone buzzing, he glanced down at it. "Shit, sorry James I have to go, there is an attack down at the river bank."


As Mon-el flew towards the river bank, he could see smoke rising from the distance. He headed straight for the origin of the smoke, a group of trees, and put it out with his freeze breath.

He turned round, surveying the area, no one was around. What the hell had caused the alert?

Suddenly, Mon-el was hit from behind, falling to the ground. He quickly turned round and blasted whoever it was with his heat vision. Mon-el stood and got his first look at his assailant, they were definitely not of this planet, that was for sure. The alien was easily twice the size of Mon-el, their dark purple skin mostly covered by shiny sliver-looking armour, their face was almost human, apart from the pointed ears and lizard-like eyes.

"The mighty Superman, you're not as strong as they gave you credit for." They snarled. The alien lunged for Mon-el, but he dodged to the side. The alien quickly snapped back towards him, claws retracting out of their hands, snarling at Mon-el. It lunged too quickly for him to dodge this time, the claws were unable to cut his skin but threw him backwards into a tree.

The alien staked towards Mon-el, picked him up, lifting him over their head and slammed him to the ground causing the ground the shake beneath them. The alien stood on his chest, Mon-el did not have enough strength to get free and started to struggle to breath.

Mon-el began to gasp for breath, almost passing out, when the alien picked him up by the neck and threw him into the river.


Mon-el was immediately disoriented, being crushed by the alien and then throw into the water with such a force had almost knocked him out completely.

He felt the water start to press down on his chest, he tried to swim upwards but had no energy left. The light started to faded around him.

Mon-el closed his eyes and let the current pull him down, unconsciousness tugging at him.

"Mon." A voice said at a whisper.

Mon-el's mind slowly started to become aware. "Wake up." The voice becoming louder. "Mon wake up!" Kara! he thought, the voice was Kara's.


Mon-el's eyes shot open and he shot straight up out of the water. He hovered above the river, gasping for breath.

Once he'd regained his breath, he looked around for the alien but they were long gone.

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now