24 • Welcome home

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"Drift! Hi, I missed you too!" As soon as Kara had walk into the apartment, Drift had ran over to her.

"He's not the only one." Mon-el whispered.
"I know, but I'm here now." She smiled at him.

"Are you going to miss the Legion?"
"Yes, but if they ever need us or we need them, we can always contact each other."

Mon-el pulled Kara close, she pressed her forehead against his. "Welcome home." He said.
"Thanks for bringing me back." She kissed him, a playful smile on her lips.


Hi! Thank you so much for reading both these books!! Unfortunately this is the end of this Kara and Mon-el's story but I am planing on writing other supergirl fanfics and other stories, so stay tuned!

Anyway thank you so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed it.

Juliet x

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