6 • Alive

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(Ignore the Supergirl logo in the picture)

Sam, John, and Alex stood outside the med bay. "How is she alive? Is it even possible that she's alive?" Asked Sam, glancing towards Kara on a bed and Mon-el sitting next to her.
"We don't know, we'll have to wait for her to wake up." Alex responded.
"She seemed quite weak on the ship we don't know who long she'll be out and if the others on that ship are dangerous." Said John.

Alarms started to sound. Winn came running over. "Small problem guys, that alien Mon-el fought river side, that we managed to eventually catch, has escaped their confinement."
"What's going on?" Mon-el appeared next to them.


Mon-el sat next to Kara's bed, the others standing outside. He knew they were watching, probably wanting answers as to how Kara was alive and how she's here, but Mon-el didn't care. All he knew was Kara was laying in front of him and that's all that mattered.

"I've missed you so much." He whispered to her. He took in a shaky breath. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault... it would probably be more effective if I told you this whilst you were wake." He laughed slightly to himself.

He moved his hand towards hers but hesitated slightly before placing it down on hers. He felt her soft skin against his, the size and shape felt so familiar. His eyes wandered to her face, the gentle look, the scar on the side of her face, her golden hair going just past her shoulders.

"I love you Kara and I promise to keep you safe." He lifted up and kissed her hand gently.

That's when alarms started to go off, he looked up and saw Winn run over the the others outside.


Everyone raced down the the main hub of the DEO just as the alien bust though the doors. Their eyes immediately landed on Mon-el.

They charged towards him and grabbed him, lifting him up in the air and then throwing him across the room towards the balcony. The alien towards over Mon-el and brought their fist down towards his head but he dogged to the side. "You'll pay!" They spat. They lifted their foot up about to crush his head.


The creatures head snapped round up towards the walkway. Mon-el looked up.

"Why didn't you pick on someone your own size?" Kara shouted from the walkway outside the med bay. She jumped over the railing and landed face to face with the alien.

"You!" They spat at Kara. "You will not get in her way!" They lunged at Kara but she rolled to the side and then kicked them in the back, causing them to stumble forward.

"You will pay!" They shouted, claws retracing and they lunging again. This time Kara dogged the attack but was caught by their claws in her side. She shouted out in pain.

She glared at them. "You will regret messing with us!" She ran at the alien and grabbed them, flew upwards then threw them down into the ground, knocking them out. Kara hovered in the air for a moment before descending.

"Kara? Are you alright?" Mon-el asked. Kara turned round and looked at him, confused. She glanced round, still with a confused look on her face. "Kara what's wrong?"
"Where am I?"
"The DEO-"
"Wait, how do you know my name?"
"Kara, it's okay-" He said stepping closer.
"I don't know who you are. Stay away from me!" She said backing away, her breathing becoming laboured.
"Kara everything is ok, please calm down." He lifted his hands up and tried to approached her.
"I said stay back!" Kara backed up further but stumbled slightly. She looked down at her side, the cuts from the aliens claw had slashed through her shirt and started to bleed though.

She placed her hand on it and then brought it back up to her face and stared at the blood on her hand. Kara's breath became more shaky, she glanced up at Mon-el.

Her legs gave out and she collapsed. She felt someone catch her and faintly heard her name being called before passing out.

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now