19 • I have to know

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Ok so I have no idea how to link chapter 18 & 19, so lets all just pretend that I did figured out a way.


"Are we close to the asteroid Brainy identified yet?" Asked Mon-el sitting next to Kara in John's ship they had borrowed.
"Yeah, it should be dead ahead." Kara looked up from the navigation screen and out the widow.
"Lets just hope it has enough Harun-el so we can make something to harm Lady Styx after she stole Queen Diana's spear."

"What's that?" Kara pointed to the asteroid ahead of them, it appeared to have some sort of dome.
"Wait is that a city?" Asked Mon-el.
A beam suddenly appeared trapping the ship and slowly dragging it towards the asteroid. "Nothing is responding!" Mon-el toggled the controls.
"We're trapped."


The ship was brought down though the dome onto what appeared to be a landing pad. "Should we get out?" Asked Kara.
"We don't know who is here, if they attack, they would have to get us out of the ship so we would at least have time to plan."

The pair waited for a few moments. "Come out slowly and we will not harm you!" Shouted a female voice.
"I know that voice." Mon-el reached out and unlocked the door.
"Wait Mon!" She grabbed his arm, confused. "It could be a trap!"
"Kara, I have to know." Mon-el got out of the ship and put his hands up. "We come in peace."

Mon-el was confronted with a group of robots hovering in mid air, like the ones he'd seen as the Fortress of Solitude. "Stand down." Said the same voice. A woman stepped out from behind them. "Mon-el?"
"Mum?" He froze in place. She walked over to him and hugged him.

"I can't believe it, you survived." She said.
"I did, I did." tears rolled down his cheeks. "How are you alive? I thought I have lost you."
"You father created a shield to protect Argo, if we knew it would of worked we would of never sent you away. Or Cia. Did she make it?"
"She did, we both made it to the same planet and we both have, made lives for ourselves. If I had know you were alive, I never would of stopped searching for you." 

Mon-el saw his mother look behind him. He turned around and saw Kara standing next to the ship. "I recognise you."
"My name is Kara Zor-el... I am from Daxam." She said.
"You are the princess of Daxam, aren't you?"
"I was, but that is no longer who I am." She said glancing at Mon-el.
"You are welcome here."
"Thank you." Kara smiled slightly as she spoke.

"If you didn't know I was alive and you weren't searching for me, how did you find us? Why are you here?"
Mon-el sighed. "That is a long story. But I would happily tell you everything."
"Good, lets go find you father." Alura said.


"You've had quite the life Mon-el, I'm so proud of what you have achieved." Said Zor-el. Sitting in their living room, Mon-el had explained everything that had happened in the past month, with Kara adding in a few detail from recent events.
"So you need Harun-el?" Asked Zor-el.
"Yes, we believed it is the only thing that can harm Lady Styx."
"You see we use it to power the shield that protects Argo, if we were able to give you a piece we would have to discuss it will the council." Alura glanced at her watch. "They would of finished session by now, we can present your problem to them tomorrow morning."

"Until then.. well it's almost dinner, I know it's been a long day, but you two are welcome to join us, if you feel up to it?" Asked Zor-el.


"So you are a superhero?" Zor-el asked after they had finished dinner.
"Yes, because of the different sun, when I am on earth I have powers and I use them to protect people who don't." Mon-el replied sitting opposite him.
"So does Cia." Said Kara sitting next to him.
"And so do you." Mon-el smirked.

"Kara, tell us a bit about yourself, how did you survive Daxam's destruction?" Asked Alura.
"Um... excuse me I'm tried." Kara got up and walked down the corridor, followed by Mon-el.

"Hey, you ok?" He gently tugged on her arm and she turned to face him.
"Yeah its just, I'm still not 100% after.. everything."
"It's ok, do you want me to explain.. everything to my parents?"
"You should tell them, I mean tell them what has happened to you since you came to earth, including me."
"Ok." He smiled. "Get some rest." Kara smiled back at him before walking to one of the bedrooms.

Mon-el returned back to the table. "Is Kara ok? Did I say something to upset her?" Asked Alura, worried.
"She's ok. Listen there is something I need to tell you."
"Is it to do with Kara?" Zor-el asked.
"Sort of, what do you mean?"
"It is very obvious that you care greatly for her, what happened to you two? Are you together? Were you together?" Zor-el said.
"It's complicated." Mon-el laughed slightly. "But that's what I want to tell you. I want to tell you everything that has happened to me." So that's how Mon-el spent the night, he told his parents everything.

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now