16 • Protected

61 2 0

"Why didn't you tell us about the father box? And why didn't you tell us that's what Lady Styx was after?" Asked Alex, waiting outside throne room of Themiscyra.
"As we've said before, we didn't want to tell you anything that could effect the future." Said Daniel.
"If you knew about the father box, you could of told us and when could of got here sooner, making sure Lady Styx didn't get it." Said Mon-el.

The doors to the throne room opened, a woman invited them in. Diana stood in front of the throne, deep in conversation with another. "We will discuss this later." Stated Diana, dismissing her. "Legion of Superheroes, you knew there was a threat to the Father Box, yet you did not warn us?"

"We knew Lady Styx was after the Father Box in our time, we didn't know if she was still looking for it or something else, we didn't know that the Amazons still had it." Explained Imra.
"Yes we did, we have protected it for over two thousand years, after it was given to us by the Green Lanterns. I'm surprised you did not know that Green Lantern." She said, looking at Daniel. "As for you, one of my warriors saw Lady Styx head into the Father boxes chamber closely followed by you, you failed to stop her yet you seem unscathed?" Diana had swapped her attention to Thom.
"Just as I entered, she had already grabbed the box and she used it on me."
"Used it on you?" She questioned.
"Well I'm guessing, we don't know the full extent of it's powers, but I was frozen in place, I couldn't stop her."

"I do not wish to offend when asking this, but what's so special about your spear?" Asked Brainy.
"Excuse me?" Asked Diana.
"Your spear, I noticed it was able to wound Lady Styx, in all are meetings, we have never been able to hurt her with any weapon. What is you spear made of?"
"If you must know, it is made of a metal we found in a meteor that crashed on the island about 20 years ago. I think it is Harun-el."
"Harun-el? That originates from Krypton. It appears to be the opposite of Kryptonite, that explains why it can hurt her if she has powers that possibly originate from Kryptonite."  Said Brainy
"If we can find some more of Harun-el, we can use it to defeat her." Said Thom.
"But if it came from a meteor, how are we suppose to find anymore?" Asked Nia.
"Most metals from Krypton have a specific signature that we can track, if Harun-el is no different, I should be able to find the other meteors if there are some." Said Brainy.


As everyone was getting read to leave. "You ok?" Thom asked Kara.
"I'm fine, don't worry."
"Kara I thought we talked about being honest with each other?"
"Fine, did you really need to run off like that?"
"What do you mean?"
"You ran off after her, without backup, without thinking."
"Without thinking? Kara I was trying to stop her! I wasn't exactly thinking about where everyone else was! I was thinking about stopping her from harming the future!"
"See this is why I didn't want to mention it. It already happened, lets just move on."
"Sure, whatever you want." He muttered walking off.

Hey I will be uploading chapters every Saturday from now on. I am sorry for not regularly uploading but you know, college, work etc have gotten in the way. 🙃

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