22 • Thom?

57 3 0

what have you done

this is all your fault

none of this would of happened if you hadn't failed to save her

the mighty superman you're not as strong as they gave you credit for

what were you thinking

you were supposed to protect me

i don't know

i don't know who you are stay away from me

how can i trust you

3 years


knew you

this is not right

how will you save her superman

you just get her hurt

tell me that's not the reason lie about that as well

the father box is in danger

why didn't you tell us

he hit me

you survived


i'll just take what i came for

no please



"Look how's finally awake." Mon-el look up at Lady Styx. He strained against the restraints holding his hands above his head. "that's pointless, I made those myself out of Kryptonite."

"What do you want?" Mon-el spat.

"Oh how nice of you to ask. It's very simple I'm going to remake the world. But I am going to have some fun with you and that little legion of so called 'superheroes' first. However they are not here yet, not very sporting of them I know." She sighed. "So I'll just have some fun with you and your girlfriend." She stepped aside and revealed Kara collapsed, chained to the floor a few meters away from him.

"If you hurt her-"

"Oh I already have. You see I got bored whilst waiting for you to wake up. It's been so nice to have a live subject to test the Father box on." A black box appeared on her hand. "I'd love to try it out on you, but there is someone else who would much rather hurt you with his own hands, my dear brother." She looked away and Mon-el followed her gaze.

"Thom? You're her brother?" asked Mon-el.

Thom snickered. "I see Kara never told you then." He walked over and picked her up by her hair, showing her busied face. "There you go again, lying to another poor soul, when will you ever learn?"

"Get your hand off me." She mumbled. 

"Gladly." He let go and she dropped to the ground. "You looked confused Mon-el, we should probably clear a few things up." Mon-el saw Kara slowly rise and sit up behind Thom. He turned his attention to the the siblings, now standing side by side he noticed they had the same hair, eyes and face shape, how had he not noticed this before?

"Our parents were founding members of the Legion, our mother was superpowered, whereas our father was completely human, but an absolute genius. I was born with no powers, the same with Thea." Lady Styx glared at Thom. "Our mother died after diving birth to Styx, which left us to the wrath of our father."

"He infused me with Kryptonite but we have no idea what he infused Thom with for his powers." explained Lady Styx. "Thom fought back against our father and killed him, and then we joined the Legion. But they limited me, I wasn't allowed to use the full extent of my powers, apparently it was too 'dangerous'. I saw an opportunity and faked my death, the Legion knew me as Thea. So I created a new persona one that would allow me to get my revenge and explore the full range of my power. I learned I could create the Darkstars, I also learned how corrupted this universe is, I am going to use the father box to remake it, first the earth, then the rest."

"We will stop you." Spat Mon-el.

"That's what they all say." Said Lady Styx.

"Enough talking, you promised I could hurt him." Said Thom.

"I did, knock yourself out." She said as she headed towards the door. Thom grinded and started hitting Mon-el.

As soon as the door sealed shut, Thom stopped and backed away from both of them.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant.. Kara I'm so sorry."

"What do you mean? Thom what is it?" Asked Kara.

"I never wanted to hurt you, I'm sorry, she used me, she wanted you hurt, I had to." He quickly muttered.

"Thom slow down you are not making any sense."

He took a few deep breaths. "That day, on the island, with the amazons, when I chased Thea to the box, she already had it when I got there. She used it on me, I think it was fuelled by my fears, and I saw you and Mon-el kissing and for some reason I believed it was real. After that everything got sort of foggy, like I wasn't in control. I hurt you Kara, I know that though, and I can't begin to imagine what that has done to you."

"Why are you telling me this? You just admitted that you weren't in control, so how do I know you are now?" Asked Kara.

"After I knew I hurt you, I withdrew, it felt like I was just drifting around, I didn't care. But then, I saw Thea use the box on you and I couldn't take it anymore. I know you can't trust me and I don't blame you. But I will do all that I can to get you both out of here, safe. And stop my sister before she creates anymore chaos."

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now