14 • Girlfriend

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Kara's eyes slowly opened to light flowing though a big window. She sat up and looked around. "What the hell?" She was in Mon-el's apartment. She jumped out of the bed and walked though to the other section of the apartment, no one else was there. Some of the photos on the bookshelf caught her attention, one was of her, Mon-el and two other people she didn't recognise, a woman with black hair, in what appeared to be a wedding dress and a brown haired man in a tux smiling at the woman. Kara was then surprised to see a photo of her and Mon-el kissing. Why was she kissing him?

Before she could question it further there was a knock at the door, she walked over and opened it. "Imra?"
"Kara! It's good to see you." She said walking in.
"What's going on?"
"Interesting." She looked round at the apartment. "What do you remember?"
"I got hurt didn't I?"
"Yes, Lady Styx is here."

"Is everything ok? Why are you here? Actually why am I here?"
"Because of the injuries you sustained, your body went into a coma. However, your body has healed, but you haven't woke up so I used my telepathy to enter your mind to see if I could wake you up."
"Ok, but do you know how to 'wake me up'?"
"I'm not sure, I haven't done something like this for a while. But considering your brain chose Mon-el's apartment, I think your mind needed a place to heal were it felt safe and it recognised, at least subconsciously."
"My mind needed a place to heal?"
"Yes, you need to heal, not just physically but mentally as well."

"So what do we do now?" Kara said.
"Try opening the door?" Kara walked over to the door, reaching for the door handle but the door didn't budge.
"What now?"
"I'm not sure, the door is the 'entrance and exit' to your mind and it's not letting you leave..." Imra looked around at the apartment. "Perhaps it is trying to tell you something about your past?"
"Maybe, what though? Mon-el and Sam told me about it."

"Hang on I have an idea."
"Imra?!" Kara stood where Imra had been, she had disappeared into thin air. "Great." She muttered to herself.

There was another knock at the door. Kara opened the door to Mon-el. "Mon? What are you doing here?"
"Imra explained to me what's going on, she though I could help as I know your past."

"Ok, um... is there anything you haven't told me?" Kara asked, sitting on the sofa.
"Lets see, I told you about your parents, where you come from, the necklace, you being a superhero..."

Kara glanced at the photo of them on the bookshelf. "What if it is related to you? Why else would I be in your apartment?"
"I know what I haven't told you."
"I didn't know how to tell you this because you are with Thom and I didn't want to make things awkward for you. But this was... your apartment as well, we used to live together."
"Lived together?"
"Yes.. you were my girlfriend."

"What? Mon-el that wasn't you choice to make! You should of told me! That's a big part of my past and you thought I didn't need to know it?!" Kara stood up and looked out the window. "At least that makes sense now." She whispered
"What makes sense?"

Kara sighed. "Being out on the balcony, it... I remembered you giving me the necklace the first time. And I remembered kissing you, which confused the hell out of me then, but now that makes sense."

"You remembered something?"
"Yes, honestly though, if it takes repeating almost exactly what happened for me to remember. How the hell am I suppose to remember my past?"
"Hey, it doesn't matter if you remember or not, you are here, you are alive and have created a wonderful life for yourself, maybe we shouldn't worry about remembering the past and just focus of the future?"

Kara looked down at the floor, wrapping her hands round her body. "I don't know how I can just let go.. I mean I spent so long wondering about it.."

He reached out and placed a hand on her arm. "You have everything you need, a supportive team, a husband, you deserve it."
"Don't I deserve to know my past?"

"Kara, I'll be honest, maybe it's best that it is in the past. There are somethings you may not want to remember, you went though a lot."
"You don't get to make that decision Mon-el! I want to know everything! I deserve to know everything!"

"Kara, I am trying to protect you! I don't want you to have to relive any of what happened."
"Maybe you don't want to relive it! I'm guessing you were there and witnessed some of the things happen to me, like me 'dying' and you don't want to have to explain that to me as it means you would have to go though it again, you would have to revisit those memories."
"Go on, tell me that's not the reason, lie about that as well."
"I never meant to lie to you, I was just trying-"

"Wait, when did the door open?" Kara walked over to it.
"I don't know it must of been when we were talking."
"Talking? Never mind, lets get out of here."


Kara woke up in the med bay, Thom were standing next to her. "Kara! Thank god you are awake, we were so worried."

"Thank you Mon-el whatever you told her helped." Said Imra standing in between Kara's bed and the one Mon-el was on. He stood up.
"Anytime." He half muttered and walked out.

"How are you feeling Kara?" Asked Imra.
"Good, I'm good don't worry about me."
"Kara don't worry about you? You were thrown off a building!" Thom said.
"I know, but I survived and I am here." She replied, gripping Thom's hand.
"I'll go tell the others you are awake." Said Thom, before he leaving.

"Kara, what was it?" Imra questioned.
"What was what?"
"The thing your mind was trying to tell yourself?"
"Oh.. um it turns out that Mon-el was my boyfriend when I was here."

"I knew it, the way he looked at you, I knew there must of been something there."
"Really? Anyway, I don't know how I am supposed to tell Thom about this, it's kinda awkward."
"Maybe wait awhile, he's sort of annoyed at Mon-el at the moment. Maybe break it to him gently. Especially as Mon-el didn't tell you straight away."
"Why would Thom be annoyed at Mon-el?"
"Thom blames him for you getting hurt by Lady Styx."

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now