4 • I'm here

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"Where the bloody hell had it gone?" Mon-el rifled though his bedside table looking for his phone. Mon-el sighed and started going though his chest of draws. Before he realised he opened up the second to last draw, Kara's draw.

Mon-el sat back onto his heels are stared into the draw, a selection of jackets and hoodies took up the space. Then peaking out from behind one of the hoodies, was the Romeo and Juliet book she was- had been reading. Mon-el picked it up and admired the worn book-spine and flicked though the pages reading some of the annotations she had made.

He flicked over to one of the final pages and found the photos from the photo booth at the arcade. He smiled slightly.

Mon-el then heard his phone go off and followed it and found his phone on the bookshelf by the door.

He picked it up. "Hello?"
"Hey Mon-el do you want to meet me at the bar? Alex, Lena and Winn are also coming."

Mon-el glanced down at the photos of him and Kara in his hand. "Sure Sam, I'll be there as soon as I can."


"Hey guys." Mon-el had walked into the bar and instantly spotted Alex, Sam, Winn and Lena in a booth in the corner.
"Mon-el!" Alex's face lit up as soon as her eyes landed on him, she got up and gave him a hug. "I'm so glad you're here."

Mon-el sat down and they ordered a round of drinks.

"So Lena how are you enjoying your advisement position as the DEO?" Asked Winn.
"Yeah it's great, to be fair it's mostly me and Sam working together on stuff. Our work styles fit so well together." Laughed Lena.
"Then you two boss me around instead." Moaned Winn. Everyone started to laugh.


Tw: voice hallucinations and anxiety

The conversation flowed on though out the night. Mon-el zoned out after awhile. He glanced around the bar, it had slowly filled up as the evening went on.

His eyes landed on the booth in the corner, the one him, Alex and Winn had taken Kara on her first night out on the planet. The stage they sang on for Karaoke night. The spot at the bar where Mon-el waited for her to finish her shift.

Mon-el's chest started to feel tight and he quickly got up and walked out. He slid down against the wall outside, burying his head in his hands. He tried to focus on his breathing, tired to calm himself down.

It's your fault I'm dead!

You killed me!

How could you do this to me?

You were supposed to protect me!

Instead what did you do? You killed me!

Mon-el cried his eyes out with Kara's slightly off voice circling his head.

How could you do this Mon-el?

How could you do this to the one you love?


Mon-el looked up, blinking away a few tears. "Lena?" He whispered.
"What's wrong?" She said sitting down beside him.
"I just... I haven't been here since... since-" His voice broke down.
"I know, I know" Lena put her arm round Mon-el. "I'm here, I know there is not much I can say, but I'm here." He lent against her and the two of them sat there for awhile.

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now