13 • Threat

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"What the hell was that?" Thom shouted, storming into the med bay. Sam had just finished checking up on Mon-el.
"What do you mean?" Asked Mon-el.
"You said she'd be safe! I knew I shouldn't of let you go by yourself! You just get her hurt! It's probably your fault she ended up in the future in the first place!"

Mon-el got off the bed and almost lunged at him but Sam stepped in front of him and held him back. "I know you are both angry, with good reason, but this is not going to solve anything ok?"

"Hey John wants to see everyone downstairs." Said Alex standing in the doorway. On their way down Alex corned Mon-el.
"You ok?"
"No, it's my fault Kara got hurt, again. All I've ever done is get her hurt."
"Listen, she is going to be ok, she knew what she was getting herself into when she became a superhero, she knew what could happen and she knew you would be there for her."


"Do we have any idea as to who was behind that attack?" Asked John to everyone standing round the table in the control room.
"The woman I faced called herself Lady Styx, she also claimed that the Legion knows who she is." Explained Mon-el.
"Do you know who she is?" Said Alex. Daniel sighed.
"Yes, we didn't tell you about her because we didn't want to tell you any more than you needed to know in case it effected the future, that's why we decided to stay after we found out that some of her minions followed us here. But our ship does need repairs though. Besides, we didn't even know Lady Styx had followed us here."

"I think she has been here, or at least those soldiers of hers, for while now because we fought one before we found you guys." Said Lena.
"We call her soldiers Darkstars, apparently as one of her powers, she can transform any willing living thing into one of them." Said Nia.

"She was the one that attacked us, causing us to end up in the past, I think she must of followed us though the portal we got sucked into, perhaps she got sent to this time instead of further back like us." Explained Brainy. "Those symbols on the buildings yesterday are also hers."
"Why was she attacking you in the first place?" Said John.
"All we know is that she is looking for some sort of.. power source. We don't know the specifics, but that it was destroyed in our time. As we could tell from the pod Kara arrived in she was from the past due to outdated technology it used, we think Lady Styx figured out that too and she wanted to know how Kara got to the future. Which was why she was chasing us." Said Imra.
"We can't leave until she is dealt with, we can't run the risk of her taking over the past." Brainy mentioned.

"She is definitely a threat. I hate to say this but to you especially Mon-el, what ever she attacked you with, it was certainly similar to Kryptonite, it had similar effects on you. Do you know where her powers originate from?" Asked Sam.
"No, we know almost nothing about her." Said Thom.

"At moment they best we can do is try to beat her to this power source. Alex, Winn try combing though the records to see if there is any clues as to what she is after." Said John.
"We have a tracking algorithm we used in the future to find Darkstars, as she was untraceable, I can't use the ships tech as it is damaged, but I could probably set it up on the DEO's but it may take awhile." Explained Brainy.
"Lets get to work then." Said John.

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now