12 • Liars

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Mon-el flew sthough the city, he hadn't done this for a while and he has missed it dearly. His day had dragged on, this flight was just what he needed to clear his head. After yesterday, he had struggled to get its events out of its head. Why had he and Kara almost kissed? Was it because she still had feelings for him, rather than memories? Or was it just the heat of the moment?

Abruptly, Mon-el stopped and hovered mid-air, burnt on top and side of buildings was a strange symbol. It was a giant circle, with a bit smaller circle inside on the edge. He stared at it for a moment before realising he recognised it from the alien he had fought at the river bank, they had had it embedded into their armour.

Mon-el flew around a few blocks, every single one had the same symbol on its buildings. He flew back to the DEO and walked over to Winn and John. "Have you guys seen the weird symbols plastered all over the city? It's the same symbol that was on that alien that attacked me at the river bank."
"Yes, we've just had reports coming in, Winn is searching the database to see if he can find any matches."

Without notice, alarms started to go off. Winn quickly looked at another screen. "There is an attack on 5th, no 9th, no 14th as well..." Winn trailed off as he looked up at one of the bigger monitors showing a map on the city, with every moment more and more points on it were popping up.

"What is attacking us?" asked Mon-el.
"I don't know, I can't get a read on it, the computer doesn't recognise them."
"Let the Legion know and get them to meet me in the city." With that Mon-el flew off.


"How are you feeling today?" Thom asked Kara. She linked her arm though his.

"I'm feeling better today, thanks for asking." Kara had suggested they escape the ship for awhile and get some fresh air, she had flown him out to the city and just spent the last couple of hours wandering the streets of National City.

"How does it feel being back here?" He asked.
"It feels kinda, almost familiar. I don't know, I mean it's great that after 3 years I finally know where I am from and what my life was. But with not remembering it, it feels almost bittersweet."
"Don't worry, even if you never remember, you can at least learn about it. And look on the bright side, you will always have me!" Kara laughed.

"What would I do with out you?" She pulled him close and kissed him. "I love you Thom."
"I love you too Kara."

"Wait, what's that?" Asked Kara pointing up at a building. There was a symbol burnt into the side.
"No, it can't be, she can't be here." Said Thom, glancing at Kara, a scared look on his face.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?"

The pair turned round and a band of dark purple skinned aliens started to surround them. "She told us you would be here and she'd like to have a little word." The aliens lunged for the pair, Thom converted their shadows into a dagger in his hand and fought off against them. However, Kara hadn't quite recovered from her wound, was unable to fend back against their attacks, resulting in her getting hit and falling to the ground.

As Kara was momentarily disabled, the alien grabbed her and teleported away. "Kara!" Thom shouted but it was too late she was gone.

"You're next!" Said one of the aliens, claws retracting out of their hands. But before they could do anything the alien was thrown away from him and into a nearby wall with the rest thrown back. Thom looked around and saw Imra and then Mon-el standing nearby in their superheros suits.

"You ok?" Asked Imra.
"Yeah, I'm fine. But they took Kara."
"Where did they go?" Said Mon-el.
"I don't know."

There was a sudden scream from above them. "That sounds like Kara, they must have her on top of one of the buildings." Said Thom.

"Mon-el you can go help her, as you can fly. We'll stay down here and deal with these guys and protect civilians." Said Imra.
"You sure? I don't know-" There was a sudden explosion behind them caused by the soldiers. "Go, bring her back, please." Said Thom.
"I will, she'll be safe I promise."

Mon-el flew off to the top of the building were the scream had come from. There he found Kara collapsed on the ground with a woman standing over her. She had long, night black hair. She wore an emerald green suit with off the shoulder neckline which a black cap hung from, long sleeves with tall black boots and a belt.

She saw Mon-el land near her and laughed. "I did wonder when you'd turn up."
"Who are you? What do you want?" He asked.

"The Legion haven't told you who I am?" She laughed again. "Oh, I would expect nothing less from those liars. I'll have to introduce myself then. I am Lady Styx. As to what I want you will just have to wait and see." A wicked grin appeared on her face as she threw her arms out and a dark green dagger appeared in each of her hands. She continuously threw them at him, with more instantly reappearing in her hands. Mon-el managed to dodge the first few but then was caught in the shoulder. He collapsed to his knees and screamed out in pain, his veins turned green and started spreading up the side of his neck and face.

"What have you done?" He shouted.
"Interesting, the man of steel has a weakness. I wonder if you will be able to stop this." She walked over and picked up the now semi conscious Kara by her outfit.

"Mon-el?" Kara said weakly. Lady Styx walked over to ledge of the building, holding Kara out over it.

"How will you save her Superman?" Lady Styx taunted. She let go of Kara.

"NO!" Mon-el screamed. He flew after Kara as she fell, he reached out his hand, trying to grab her but he wasn't fast enough, he couldn't reach her. Kara smashed into the ground, creating a small creator. Mon-el landed nearby and collapsed, still weak from Lady Styx's attack.

"KARA!" Thom screamed rushing over to her. "You're going to be alright. You are going to be fine." He said cupping her face.

"T-Thom?" She whispered as the world slowly faded out.


Here is Lady Styx's symbol:

Here is Lady Styx's symbol:

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