15 • Peace

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"You sure this is the right place? Apart from a tropical paradise, there doesn't seem to be any sign of them." Asked Nia.
"This island contains the coordinates that we tracked the Darkstars to." Said Brainy. Due to the damage to the legion ship, they had to use one of the DEO's planes to fly out to the designated island. They had landed on grass plain and started to look around.
"Is is possible that it could be underground? Under us?" Questioned Daniel.
"Good point, I'll use my X-ray vision to have a look." Said Mon-el.

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE! KEEP YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!" A loud voice boomed. Suddenly, multiple women surrounded them. They were clad in a mixture of leather and gold armour, hair pulled back in all different styles, armed with all sorts of weapons, all pointing towards them.
"We come in peace, we mean you no harm." Shouted Alex, stepping in front of everyone.

One of the warriors walked forward from behind the rest, she had silver armour and a gold lasso on her hip and a sliver spear strapped to her back. "Then why have you landed here in such a heavily armed plane?" She asked.
"We didn't know anyone was here, we do not wish to hurt you." Replied Alex.
"What is your purpose here?" She asked. Alex glanced back at the group, unsure how to answer.

"The Father Box is in danger." Said Thom.

"Father Box? How do you know about that?"
"Some of us come from the future, and I know that the Amazons protected it for a long time. I presume that's who you are?"
"Yes, you presume correctly...?"
"Thom Kaller, of the Legion of Superhero's."
"Queen Diana of the Themiscyra. You are correct there is a threat, we were attacked last week, but we handled it, the Father box is completely safe. It is under our protection."

There was a sudden boom from behind them, turning round everyone witnessed multiple black ships arriving in Themiscyra's airspace.

"It's a trap!" Shouted Diana. "Everyone defensive formations! We can not let them get to the father box!" The ships started to land near the group, destroying the earth where they landed. Hordes of Darkstars came charging out of their ships, the amazons charged forward and met the Darkstars head on, closely followed by the group.

Shortly in to the battle, Mon-el had just killed one of the Darkstars, when he noticed Lady Styx on the edge of the battle felid being followed by Thom. However, before Mon-el could go after them, he was hit from behind and fell to the ground.

He snapped back round, one the the bigger Darkstars had knocked him down, they were over three times the size of Mon-el. Mon-el shot at them with his heat vision, but the Darkstar lunged at Mon-el and grabbed him, lifting him up into the air with their hands wrapped around his chest, squeezing him. Mon-el vision blurred as he tried to fight back. His arms went limp, passing out.

Mon-el vaguely felt himself fall to the ground, his vision slowly returned to see Kara standing over the body of the Darkstar. "You ok?" She asked, holding out out a hand to help him up.
"Yeah, I think so." He said taking her hand. "Thanks for saving me."
"Anytime." Kara muttered. "Wait where are they going?" Mon-el looked around and saw the Darkstars returning back to their ships.

"Look!" Mon-el pointed over to Lady Styx running to her ship, a black box in one hand and firing green daggers out of her other back at Diana who was chasing her. Diana rolled and dodged the daggers, she stayed low as she threw her spear at Lady Styx. The spear caught her shoulder and she stumbled to the ground, the box rolling out of her hand. But before Diana could get to her and the box, some Darkstars rushed forward and help Lady Styx over to their ship, with one grabbing the black box and another grabbing the spear.

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now