21 • I'll do it the old fashion way

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"You ready to leave?" Kara asked Mon-el standing next to the ship
"Yeah." He signed.
"We can always come back."

"You will always be welcome here Mon-el." said Zor-el, walking towards the pair with Alura.
"We'll come back once we have defeated Lady Styx."

"Speaking of, here." Alura held out a long rectangular box to Mon-el. "This should hopefully be enough Harun-el."
"Thank you." Mon-el smiled as he took the box, then placed it inside the ship.

"Well what do we have here?"
The group turned and saw Lady Styx standing with a small army behind her.
"How did you get here?" Ask Zor-el.
"I just had to follow their ship, and bypassing you shield was easy. So glad we could clear that up. Now I'll just take what I came for." Daggers appeared in her hands. She threw them at Mon-el but faded into his skin, doing nothing. "What?! That's not possible!"
"The sun is different here, the kryptonite will have no effect." Explained Mon-el.

"Fine, I'll do it the old fashion way. GET THEM." Darkstars swarmed to the group, gabbing them individually. Without their powers, Kara and Mon-el were helpless, they simply didn't have the strength to hold off so many soldiers. 

"Maybe the old ways are effective. Anyway, get them onto the ship." Lady Styx pointed at Mon-el and Kara. "Leave the other two, but make sure they don't want to follow us."

The darkstars threw Alura and Zor-el to the ground and beat them.


*A while later*

"Zor-el, wake up!" He slowly opened his eyes.
"What happened?"
"They've gone, she took Mon-el and Kara."

Zor-el tried to get up. "Here let me help." She pulled him up and let him steady himself against her.
"I'll be alright, I just need a minute."
"It's ok." She kissed his cheek.

"I can't believe it, our son, he's been taken again." He said.
"We need to help him."
"How? I mean it does sound like he has plenty of allies on earth."
"Yeah but they probably don't even know what's happened."
"Well, lets tell them." Zor-el looked over at Johns ship, the darkstars hadn't even touched it.


"Well at least this ship has autopilot, we seem to be heading towards that building." Alura pointed out the window.
"Lets hope its the right one." said Zor-el sitting next to her in Johns ship. The ship landed with a gentle thud and the pair got out. "What now?" he asked.

"HANDS UP! STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" shouted a female voice from behind them, holding out a gun. The pair were soon surrounded by a group of people dressed in costumes like Mon-el and Kara's.

"Wait! We don't mean you any harm, we are here to help." Alura glanced at Zor-el. "We are Mon-el's parents."
"You're Mon-el's parents?" The female asked.
"Yes, we survived the destruction of Krypton, but we didn't know our son did." explained Alura.
"I'm Alex, the adopted sister of Mon-el." said the female.
"Alex? Thank you for everything you have done for our son, he told us everything." said Zor-el.
"That's alright. Wait where are they? Where is Kara and Mon-el?"

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now