18 • What happened?

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"Kara? You awake?"
"Imra?" Kara softly muttered.
"Yeah, me and Nia are sitting next to your bed, how are you feeling?"
"Sore, what happened?"
"You got hurt, we are not sure how, what do you remember?" Asked Nia.
"I.. um.." Kara began to sit up but felt a pain in her stomach and moaned in pain. "Wait, what about..?" She watched the other two glance at each other.
"Kara... I'm so sorry. Thom has disappeared and you... you lost the baby." Imra said tearing up. Kara started crying and Nia sat on the side of her bed and gave her a hug.
"I can't believe this, I can't..." Kara muttered.

"If you feel up to it, what happened? What happened to you?" Said Imra, pulling away but she reached out for Kara's hand.
"I can't believe this. It's not possible." Kara started to shake.  Imra hugged Kara.

"Hey look at me." Kara looked up at her.
"Just breath ok? In and out. Focus on that. Can you do that for me?" Kara nodded. "Just keep focusing on that, you are going to be ok."


A few days later

"She hasn't explained what happened?" Asked Mon-el, standing opposite the med-bay.
"No, she needs time, she was badly hurt... it is possible that it could of triggered something from her past, not necessarily memories but feelings and coping mechanisms." Explained Sam.
"This has happened before, when she's been badly hurt, she sort of shuts down, which was fine then cause usually Thom would help her, but with him gone..." Said Imra. 

"Do you mind if I go talk to her? I used to support her before, so maybe there is something there?" Said Mon-el.
"Actually that's not a bad idea." Sam said.


"Hey mind if I come in?" Asked Mon-el, standing in the med-bay door. Kara nodded, sitting up. "No, you don't need to get up." Kara laid back down.
"How are you feeling?" He asked. Kara shrugged. "I'm sorry I didn't some see you sooner... I didn't know what to say after our argument and then.. yeah."

Mon-el fell silent.

Kara lifted her head and look at him. "Mon, what was my mother like?"
"My mother, she used to hit me didn't she?"
"Yeah, she did, but you manged to overcome what she had done, something I will always be proud of you for. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.. how did you know?"
"Um Th- he said somethings to me that were very similar to what I remember my mother saying... I should of told you I am - was pregnant."
"No, you didn't - don't need to tell me anything, I'm the one that need's to tell you stuff not the other way round."

"Kara what happened?" She closed her eyes and sighed.
"He hit me." She whispered.
"Who? Thom?" He leaned forwards.
"It was T-Thom... it was Thom." She started to cry.

"Hey it's ok." He reached out and touched her arm. "You don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to."
"It's fine, I need to tell someone." She took a deep breath. "We had an argument... he hit me... he hit me and kicked me in the stomach."
"Kara..." Mon-el had no words. So instead he sat on the side of the bed, Kara looked at him and slightly smiled. She lent forward and buried her head in his shoulder. They sat there for awhile.

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now