8 • They know who I am

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"Kara what do you mean they know who you are?" Daniel asked.
"This is where I was before I came to the 31st century. They know me." She looked at him dead in the eye, hoping that he'd calm down and wouldn't attack Mon. He relaxed almost immediately.

"Daniel what are you doing here? How are you here?" She questioned.

"What I am I doing here? Kara we're here to save you! We woke up and you were gone, we tracked you here and came to get you."
"Yeah, me, Brainy and Imra." A loud boom reverberated though the building.
"We have to stop them!" Kara sprinted upstairs, closely followed by a confused Mon-el and Daniel.

"Imra don't!" Kara shouted at her, she had John pinned against a wall in the main hub of the DEO.
"Kara?" Brainy asked, Alex was holding him at gun point.

"I'm ok, they know who I am. This was were I was before I came to the legion. Let him go Imra." Imra reluctantly let go of John, she need walked over and gave Kara a hug.
"I was so worried about you we woke up and you weren't there..."

Alex put away her gun and walked over to Mon-el. "Do you know who these people are?" She whispered.
"No, but they seem to trust Kara, so I hope they aren't much of a threat to us."

"Um, quick question, who are you?" Asked Winn, coming out from hiding behind a chair.

"We need to tell them, they deserve to know." Said Kara to Imra, Brainy and Daniel.
"Kara what about... you know what?" Asked Brainy.
"I know, but they know who I am and besides they may be able to help us with our problem."
"Fine, we tell them but we need to be careful." Said Daniel.

"Tell us what?" Asked John.

Imra looked at the group, then back to John. "We're from the 31st Century. We are part of a group called the Legion of Super-Heroes and we... um... were attacked, resulting in us and our ship getting sucked into a portal of some sort and getting transported back into the past. I can't remember the specific year, but it was so far back we had to put ourselves in cryogenic sleep, that was set to wake us up in the 31st Century. But we looked at the surveillance footage and it seems you boarding our ship, caused it to wake us up early. And when we did Kara was gone, so we tracked her here and decide to come get her. My name is Imra by the way, but I go by Saturn Girl and I have telepathy and telekinesis."

"I am Brainiac 5, a Coluan, a techno-organic being."
"We just call him Braniy." Said Kara.

"Anyway, I'm Daniel and I am a Green Lantern."
"A Green what?" Alex asked.
"A Green Lantern? I am part of an intergalactic peacekeeping force called the Green Lantern Corps. I have a ring that is assigned to each one of us, that I can used to protect my sector of the universe that I have been assigned to. So, how do you know Kara?"
"She used to work with me in protecting this planet."

"Do you know how she ended up in the future?" Asked Imra.
"No, we thought she had died in a spaceship explosion." Explained John.

"Wait Kara, if you don't remember us, how do you know your name?" Said Sam.
"I crashed on Earth in the future in some sort of small ship and I don't know, I was in, well what looked like a Superhero suit, and written on the label of the suit was Kara aka Valor. So I presumed Kara was my name. I guess I was right."

"Also, how can you fly? You couldn't do that before." Asked Alex.
"That I still don't full understand." said Kara.
"You see, in the future it wasn't until about a year ago that Kara could fly. Braniy theorised that it was due to a long exposure to the yellow sun that caused it." Explained Daniel.

"How long have you been in the future?" Asked Winn.
"3 Years."
"3 years? It's only been 3 months for us since you died." Said Mon-el.

"Wait, where are the others?" Asked Kara, with a concerned look on her face.
"Nia is still back at the ship, because, um..." Imra glanced at Daniel. "She's keeping an eye on Thom because we took him out of the the tank but he didn't wake up."


Quick note: Thom, is pronounced like Tom but the change in spelling is because I based this character off one from the DC comics with the name spelt like that and I didn't want to change it.

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