11 • Trusted

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"Hey! Come in." Mon-el opened the door and let the Legion in, John, Winn, Alex and James were already siting on the sofa. Drift jumped up from his spot next to the sofa and ran over to Kara.
"Hello, who are you?" She asked, bending down and stroking him.
"That's Drift, who definitely remembers you." Mon-el explained, laughing slightly to himself as Drift collapsed on Kara.

"Can I get anyone a drink?" Mon-el said. Some people took him up on his offer.

"So Thom, what's your Superhero name?" Asked James.
"What are your powers? If you don't mind me asking." said Winn.
"It's fine, I can manipulate shadows, control them turn them into anything I want."
"Not to sound rude but, how does that match your name then?" Said John.
"My mother was also a superhero, she called herself Starwoman, and was also a founding member of the legion. So I took my name after her."

A little while later after everyone had sat down, Sam and Lena arrived with takeout, they laid it out on the living room table.
"Anyone want some potstickers?" Offered Sam.
"Sure." Said Kara, she took some and gave one to Thom. They both ate some. "Oh my god, these are amazing! What do you think?" Thom glared down at the food.
"I don't know, I don't really like it."
"You never like anything new do you?" Kara laughed. Thom smiled and kissed her cheek.
"You're not getting away that easily." She kissed him.

Mon-el was standing in the kitchen with Sam, when he saw Kara kiss Thom. "Excuse me Sam, I need some air." As he went out to the balcony, Sam looked over and saw Kara sitting with Thom and knew immediately what was up.

Sam went and sat next to Alex. Kara noticed and looked around wondering where Mon-el was, she saw him out the window on the balcony. "I'll be back in a minute." She told Thom, squeezing his hand. She got up and grabbed a beer off the table and went outside.

"Hey, I thought you might like a beer and maybe some company?" She asked, offering him the beer. Mon-el was leaning against the edge on the balcony.
"Sure, thanks." He took a sip. "Don't you want one?"
"No, I'm good. This is a nice view by the way."
"Yeah, it is, it's beautiful at night you can see so many stars."

Kara stood next to Mon-el. "You know, you never told me why you though you were from Krypton."
"Oh yeah, so as I said when I first arrived in the future, all I had was the suit and this necklace." She lifted out a necklace from behind her t-shirt.
"You still have it?" Half whispered Mon-el. The necklace Kara was holding was the very necklace his mother had given him and he had given Kara what felt like years ago.
"Brainy analysed it and found that is was a stone from Krypton, so that's why we though I was from there."
"That's because it was mine."
"What? What do you mean?"
"It was a necklace given to me by my mother, and I gave it to you as a birthday present. But you wouldn't take it without giving me something else in return." He put his drink down and lifted up and showed Kara his necklace with her ring on. "It was your fathers." Kara stepped forward and took the ring in her hand.
"I don't understand, so this is mine? Or was mine."

"I must of trusted you a lot then." She looked into his eyes.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you. I still can't believe your here standing in front of me." She smiled. "I forgotten you eyes light up when you smile." They slowly leaned towards each other, Kara's hand let the necklace fall back in place and moved to rest on his shoulder, Mon-el slipped his hand round her waist.

Kara stopped for a moment and glanced at her hand on his shoulder, her eyes fell on her wedding ring on her finger. She pushed Mon-el away and stepped back. "Mon, I can't do this, this is not right, I'm sorry, I shouldn't of come out here." She walked off back into the apartment over to Thom.

"Hey, I'm not feeling well." She whispered to him. Thom quickly stood up and grabbed her hand.
"Let's go back to the ship." He turned to the group. "Sorry guys, Kara's feeling tried so we are going to head back to the ship." They left, but not before Kara said goodbye to Drift.

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now