9 • I'm ok

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"Hey, how's he doing?" Asked Mon standing in the door way to the med bay.
"Um.. Sam was it? Said that his vitals are all ok and that he should wake up soon, not everyone's bodies react the same way to cryogenic sleep." Replied Kara sitting next to Thom's bed. They had some medical equipment in the legions ship, but the DEO was better equipped, so they had moved Thom there. Kara stared down at Thom, he had short night black hair and a strong jawline.

Kara glanced up at Mon. "Hey, can I ask you something?"
"Sure." Mon walked over and stood in-front of her.

"What's up?"
"You said I was from Daxam right?"
"Yes, Daxam is a neighbouring planet to Krypton, where I'm from. You were part of... the royal family, the princess, until both planets where destroyed. We and my cousin are the only survivors on this planet. Your family are alive but they are back on Daxam trying to rebuild."
"Um... wow, ok. So you're from Krypton?"

"That's weird, I know I don't remember anything but I didn't expect that."
"What? What do you mean?"
"Obviously when I was first in the future, I nor the Legion knew where I was from. And we believed that finding where I was from might of been the key to me remembering my life. Originally we believed I was from Krypton. So when you said I was from Daxam, it did confuse me a bit, so I just wanted to ask you about it and clarify."

"That's alright, if you ever have any questions about your past, you are more than welcome to ask me."
"Thanks, I appreciate it." She said, smiling.

"Wait why did you think you were from Krypton? Just wondering."
"Well, you see Brainy is actually pretty proud of this. When I came to the future, I didn't have much apart from that superhero suit and-"

"Hey Mon-el can borrow you for a sec?" Asked Lena, in the doorway of the med bay.

"Mon-el? I thought you name was Mon, that's what I've been calling you." Said Kara.
"Mon-el is my full name, but you usually called me Mon." He explained. "Anyway, I'll be right back." Mon-el walked off with Lena to the conference room across the catwalk.

Kara looked at Thom. "Hey, I've got so much to tell you went you wake up... please wake up soon." She reached out and touched his hand.

Kara looked up at his face and smiled. She saw his eyes slowly open. "Thom?" She said. He sat up and stared at her, an almost sleepy look on his face. He suddenly lunged for her, but she dodged him and he fell forwards. Thom whipped back around. "Thom, it's me Kara! You were in cryogenic sleep! Try to remember!"

Thom stood up and looked at her, Kara saw his body slowly relax. "Kara? ...Oh my god Kara! I'm so sorry!" He stepped forwards and hugged her. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to attack you."
"It's ok, I'm ok." She said burring her head in his shoulder.

"Kara?! You alright what's going on?" Mon-el said running into the room with Lena close behind him.
Kara turned towards Mon-el.
"Everything is good, I'm good, don't worry."

"Kara, who is that? Where are we?" asked Thom.
"Um... we are in the 21st century, they know who I am, this is where I am from. This is Mon-el and Lena, both people who I was friends with in my previous life. Guys, this is Thom, my husband."
"H-husband?" Questioned Lena.
"Yeah, we got married a few months ago." Kara looked over at Mon-el. "Mon? Are you ok?"

Mon-el stood motionless for a few moments, he couldn't figure out what to say. "Yeah... yeah I'm fine. Um it's nice to met you Thom." He tried to smile but couldn't, he felt his hand start to shake slightly. "Um, excuse me I have to go... um." He walked out of the room.

He tried to hold back some tears as he walked past the labs. "Mon-el?" Sam called after him, coming out of one of the lab rooms. He turned round to face her. "What's wrong?"
"Everything is fine, don't worry Sam."
"You're not fine, it looks like you've been crying."

"I-I... Kara is married to that Thom guy."
"What? Oh Mon-el, I have no words." She pulled him in for a hug.

"I was so happy to see that she was alive, but when she didn't remember anything and now she's married? She seems nothing like my Kara. And I don't know if she will ever remember any of this."
"Hey, look at me. I know you could say that she is not your Kara but the fact that she is alive... well... I would give anything to see Ruby's dad alive and happy again, even if he wasn't with me. Because as much as I loved him, I also always wanted to see him happy. You are lucky in the sense that she is alive and happy."

"I can always count on you Sam, I guess we both know what it is like losing a loved one."

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now