3 • Loved

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Mon-el sat on the sofa with Drift in his apartment, stroking the top of his head softly.

There was a sudden banging on the door. Mon-el got up and opened the door. "Alex! What are you-?"
"What the hell were you thinking Mon-el!? You almost drowned! You had no back up! You could of died!" She shouted at him. Mon-el turned away and stood by one of the windows. "What we're you thinking? Are you even listening to me? Mon-el?" She asked following him into his apartment.
"What do you want me to say Alex?! I wasn't thinking about almost dying, all I was think about was stopping that alien from hurting anyone!" He snapped, turning towards her.

Alex signed. "I know, it's just I'm worried about you Mon-el, I'm trying to look out for you, I know you've struggled these past 3 months-"
"3 months Alex! And everyone seems to moved on and pretend that nothing has happened! Do you honestly think I'd move on like everyone else after 3 months? You don't know how hard it's been for me Alex, everywhere I look I see her, everything I do reminds me of her. Do you know how much it breaks my heart to talk about her in past tense?! For the first time ever I really liked someone, loved someone and of course they get taken away from me." He voice broke and tears started to slowly fall down his cheek.

"Mon-el... I'm so sorry." Alex walked over and gave him a hug, Mon-el buried his head in her shoulder. "I can't do this Alex... I don't know how to... to exist anymore. She became everything to me, she was everything to me and know she's just... gone and I don't know how to move on."
"Hey, you don't have to move on, you need to taken as much time as you need, everyone has their own pace. If it appears that everyone has 'moved' on, it's because they just... carried on. Whilst you, you knew Kara so well, you became so close, so that relationship being suddenly broken is going to effect you, it's going to be a longer journey for you. And that's ok."

"I know, it's just after everything, I deserved to have something special in my life and I can't believe it's gone."
"Trust me, everything is going to be ok, we are all here for you and I know it's clique but over time this scar will heal, it will always be there but less painful."
"I know Alex, but it just hurts right now." He said tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
"That's ok, you know the best way to deal with that?"
"Crying. I miss her too." Alex started to cry as well.

Karamel: Complicated {Part Two}Where stories live. Discover now