Chapter Twenty-Seven

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   "Gigi had a sister?" "Her name was Sasha, she was two years older than us. She was a senior when it happened. Their Mom died when Gigi was six and Sasha was eight. From then on Sasha taught Gigi everything. They were the nicest people in school, that was until their dads business blew up. They were both getting everything they asked for. It's just Sasha used it to help others but Gigi only cared about herself. Sasha got sick of Gigi hurting people so she stopped talking to Gigi Completely. Gigi went ballistic when she found out Sasha and Seb were dating. It was something about her sister being happy that never sat right with Gigi."

   "The night of the football game, when she died. Tell me about it." "She was driving home and it was snowing. There was black ice of the road and a car slid into their lane and hit them. The car started flipping and it didn't stop still the car was destroyed. Seb couldn't do anything cause he couldn't move. The seatbelt was locked in and it was digging into his neck." "The scar." "He had to sit there and watch the love of his life take her last breath. The whole group ran to the hospital as soon as we found out what happened. We saw Gigi and wanted to help her but she ran away. So all her bitchness is just her projecting all her anger. So you know Seb loves you, but he hasn't acted this way around anyone since Sasha. So you tell him about Gigi, and you lose every chance with him and he looses his only chance for closer." "I don't think I like Seb anymore. After showing up to his house and almost being the youngest home wrecker, I realized my feelings." That's the biggest lie I've ever told!

    "So Sawyer, who's taking you to the dance?" She looks over at Ian. "Oh no one." "Oh I didn't know Ian changed his name to no one." Ian sits up off the wall that he was leaning on. "Wow how did she know?" "I may have cancer but my eyes and ears work great." "Right well we're gonna go. And that person that made the dress is coming to your house after school. Oh and don't tell anyone about us." "Okay but they probably already know, you guys suck pretty bad at hiding things." "You wanna talk about keeping secrets Sebastian James kisser." "Okay have fun you two." The rest of the day sucked ass. I kept seeing Seb but I couldn't talk to him cause I was scared I would spill the beans about Gigi and possibly loose him forever. "Hey Jules, you ready for the dance tomorrow?" "Yeah of course. Hey you look really nice today, but not to nice like someone who's flirting with you would say like nice like how a friend would say. Cause we are friends just friends only friends best of friends." "Breathe." "Right yeah I should go so that." I walk out to the court yard. "Jesus Christ Julia could you be anymore weird. No wonder you had no friends at your old school"

I got home and went straight to my room. I was so worried cause Sawyer was sending that girl who made my dress here. I here the door bell ring. "I got it Mom. Wait she's not home." I open the door and there's a package, for Willa Maxwell. "Great." I walk up to my room to see Seb just chilling on my bed. "How the hell did you get up?! My window was locked." "Well after your mom put the new siding on the house so I could climb up easier she gave me a key to your window." "Good to know. What are you doing here?" "I made you your valentines dance dress. I know I should've done red but lavender looks better on you." "Wait you can make clothes?" "Yeah." That's hot. "That's cool." "Here go try it on." I grab the dress and walk into my bathroom.

I put on the dress and I love it. No not because it was made by Seb. Okay maybe cause Seb made it. I walk out and he looks up from his phone. "Wow. I mean, no I mean wow." "I love it Seb, thank you." He stands up and hugs me. "Your gonna be the prettiest and hottest girl and the dance Cinderella." "MAnd you Prince Charming will be the most handsome boy." "So you ready to get your dance on?" Of course, dancing at a dance is what your supposed to do. "I can't dance." "Here I'll teach you." He puts his hands around my waist and I put mine on his shoulders. "Just go with music." He put on my favourite song. "How did you know I love this song?" "Every time I see you go to listen to music this is the first song you put on." "True." We just stood in my room and danced to the three minute song. Then the song sadly ended.

I pulled away. "Well I better go." He goes to crawl out the window. "Wait Seb." "Yeah Jules?" "I'll see you tomorrow." I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow." He gives me a kiss on my cheek. We look into each others eyes and almost kiss. But I stopped it. "We can't. We are both in decently healthy relationships, we shouldn't ruin them." "I know." He paced around the room. "But your so you and Gigi's so Gigi." "Thanks I guess." "No no I mean." He puts his hands on my waist again. "Your so much better than Gigi at everything you do. And I mean everything. But your happy with Blake and that's all I care about." God damn it. He's to cute I can't. I pull him in and kiss him. What's the harm that one more kiss will do? 

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