The Mysterious Woman

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•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

They had just arrived at the bar that Elena and Katherine described in their dreams about Stefan, however, upon arrival, both Juliana and Katherine were passed out in the back of the car. This resulted in Elena and Damon to quietly exit the car, making sure not to slam their car doors to prevent waking the two sleeping.

Once out of the car, Elena looked back at the two sleeping. Katherine was leaning against the window, while Juliana was still resting against her shoulder. "Are we really just gonna leave them in the car?" Elena asked Damon. "Knowing Juliana, she won't be very happy about it." She continued.

"The only time Katherine shuts up is when she's sleeping, and we won't have to worry about Juliana wanting to rip out our hearts if she's right by Katherine's side. Plus, I wanted continue our peace and quiet." Damon answered.

The two continued to have small conversation about the whole situation, like the fact the bar looked exactly what it looked like in Elena's dream, before entering the bar. There, they saw a blonde woman with bandage on her neck working at the bar, cleaning some glasses.

"Can I get you something?" The bartender asked.

Damon was the first to response as they approached the bar. "Yeah, sure." He leaned into the counter, to be closer to the bartender to compel her. "Why don't you tell me what happened to your neck, Jo?"

"Some sicko attacked me, bit me, told me to run, so I did, and when I looked back, he was on fire." Jo replied.

Elena also leaned in, "The sun must of come up. He doesn't have his daylight ring." She whispered to Damon.

"And then what happened?"

"Some woman shoved him into a truck, drove away."

"Did you know this woman?" Damon continued to question.

Jo slightly shook her head, "No. She was driving Cam Peterson's truck. He lives about 10 miles down that dirt road out back." She obediently answered and grabbed the closest shot glass and liquor, and began filling up the glass. "Here. Looks like you could use one of these."

Meanwhile, Katherine was beginning to wake up due to the fact she was starting to get hot in the backseat of the car, only to realize that Damon and Elena were gone and that it was only her and Juliana. Katherine looked through the windshield and realized it was the bar from her dreams about Stefan. Suddenly, she became extremely pissed off that they didn't think about waking her and Juliana so they could join them. She immediately had the desire to storm into that bar and bitch out Damon and Elena for leaving them in the car and not allowing them to join them in their search for Stefan.

But then she glanced down and saw that Juliana was still fast asleep on her shoulder. As much as she wanted to awake Juliana up, Katherine decided against it. She knew how much Juliana needed this, especially since she could tell that Juliana really hadn't gotten any sleep since they've seen each other. In someways, Katherine wished she had just listened to Juliana and not have tried to kill Elena. Then she wouldn't be in this position of needing to be protected, she wouldn't be human. She would just be Katherine Pierce, the baddest vampire bitch that has ever existed.

But somewhere deep inside her, she was enjoying this attention from Juliana. She liked that Juliana was constantly worried about her and her well-being, and the fact that she was willing give up her life just to protect Katherine. She loved being the center of attention, especially when it came from Juliana. It was almost as if they were going back to the way things used it be, before they arrived in Mystic Falls all those years ago. Before Katherine put Juliana in the tomb and ultimately ruined their friendship. That would forever be Katherine's biggest regret.

The Elusive Katherine PierceWhere stories live. Discover now