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•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

The next morning, I woke up before Katherine and quickly left the house. All night I couldn't sleep because I felt so guilty for killing Caroline, even thought I knew she wasn't really dead. I knew the only reason why Katherine wanted me to kill Caroline was because she was Elena's friend and she wanted to get back at the Salvatore brothers, and since she has me, she wanted me to do her dirty work. Then to make it even worse, I actually liked Caroline, even if she was a little bitchy.

Anyways, I had to get away for the day, when I probably should be fearing my problems but I knew nothing would happen to Caroline, Elena wouldn't allow that. My way of getting away meant getting a car, and driving as far as I could before Katherine could catch me. Of course only a hour in my drive, Katherine texted me.

Where are you?

I hesitated, I could do two things here. Lie and telling her something believable or not respond and let her hunt me down and possible ruin any happiness left in me. Let's just say, I would like to live a little longer.

'I went to get something to eat.' I replied. 

Well hurry up and get back here, I need your help. Also, try not to rip as many parts out, we don't need the police on our trail, Juliana.

I took a deep breath before I wrote the next text. 'I'm going back to animal blood.' Before pressing send, I silently prayed to God that she wouldn't kill me.

Shortly after pressing send, she quickly called me. As much as I didn't want to answer the phone, I did.

"What do you mean you are going back to animal blood? You don't get to make that decision, Juliana, I do." Katherine snapped into the phone.

"I can't take it, Katherine! I need to go back to it! I don't like being this way!" I screamed into the phone.

There was a long pause. "Where are you?"

Shit. "I'm in the woods." I answered, but I knew she could hear the lie right through me.

"Where. Are. You. Juliana." She asked again, but this time you could tell how angry she was.

I sighed, "Do you want the truth or should I lie again?"

Katherine growled, "It doesn't matter, either way, I will find you and I will make you suffer."

I chuckled, "Of course you will, but if you have to know. I'm in a car, driving far far away from you."

I heard Katherine laughed, and I knew it was the end for me. "Well, Julia, I hope you enjoy it, because it will be the last of your freedom before you become completely mine. " Then she hung up.

I groaned before throwing my phone into the passenger seat and throwing my head into the seat. I quickly pulled over and rested my head on the steering wheel. 

"What have I done?"


By the time I arrived back at the house it was midnight, Katherine was there, waiting on me. She was sitting in the loveseat with, of course, a glass of blood in her hand. I threw my stuff onto a nearby couch, trying to keep my distance from her.

"How far did you get before you turned around?" She asked while taking a sip of her glass.

I chuckled, "What? No throwing me across the room, beating me until I can't move, or your favorite, draining me of blood."

Katherine smirked before getting off the couch and slowly made her way towards me, "No, because I know you well enough to know that you would come back. You can't resist me, Juliana, even if you tried. Your love for me is too strong. So, I'm going to ask again, how far?"

The Elusive Katherine PierceWhere stories live. Discover now