Red Wine for a Classy girl

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•Bush Hill, Philadelphia, 1795•

Two years have pass, and I'm beyond well. Katherine had saved me from death. The fever was gone, the pain was gone. She saved me. I would forever been in debt for her saving the one thing I wanted to end.

"Can you believe it?" Katherine asked me, while helping me into my new dress she had gotten for me the night before. "A few years ago you were ill, now you could rule the world."

I smiled and turned and faced her, "I doubt I could rule the world, Katherine."

She smiled at me and moved my hair to the front of my dress. "If you believe, you could, Julia."

I raised an eyebrow, "Julia? Where did that come from?" I asked.

Katherine fixed the bottom of my dress, "New life, new person."

I chuckled and crossed my hands in front of me, "I believe so."

My best friend glanced around the room, I gotten while here at Bush Hill. Well, it was more like Katherine had compelled the doctors to give me my very own room, so that I would not be surrounded by the sick and get sick again while recovering. "Do we have everything?"

I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders, "If not, they did not hold much value to me." I paused. "New life, new things, Katherine."

Katherine smirked, "I see what you did there."

Suddenly the coachman came to my room and gathered my bags. The man exited the old hospital and my nightmare. Katherine linked arms with me and led me out of the hell. Once we were out of the hospital, I quickly took in a deep breath. Taking in the nature smell, the smells I have missed for two years. The only thing missing was the sunlight.

"Remind me again, why do we need to leave at night?" I asked Katherine.

Katherine rolled her eyes, "How many time do I have to tell you? I can not walk in the sun, Julia."

I nearly slapped myself in the face. I always forgot that Katherine couldn't walk in the sun. It was curse, a curse I will soon have.

Once we reached the carriage, the coachman quickly tied the luggage down to the carriage. Then the man helped both me and Katherine into the carriage. Where I saw another woman, an Asian woman who looked like she was in her middle thirties with black hair. Next her was a young girl around my age. She looked like her mother only smaller.

Once we sat down, Katherine quickly introduced us. "Juliana, this is my friend, Pearl and her daughter Annabelle. They are both vampires as well."

I smiled and held my hand out, "It is nice to meet you."

Pearl smiled back and shook my hand, "You as well."


•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

"Pearl, I will be home late." I told Pearl as we left the Salvatore House. "I think it is about time I explored the new world on my own."

"Please, do not cause trouble, Juliana. We can't risk it, especially with everything going on." Pearl responded.

I nodded, "Will do." I waved at Anna. "See you later." Anna waved back and I began to walk away from the house on foot.

I continued to walk until I was in the main part of town. I looked around until I saw a sign that said 'Mystic Falls Grill'. I quickly remembered what Anna said about this placed being the hot spot of the town.

I quickly went towards the building and opened the door. The placed was buzzing with people, most of them being humans. Here and then I could sense a vampire. I quickly notice a bar in the back and quickly went to it.

At the bar, I saw Damon wearing sunglasses. I smirked and sat next to him. "Sunglasses inside?" I asked him.

He looked up at me and took off his glasses. "My eyes are a little sensitive, because of someone." Damon snapped. "What are you doing here?" He asked me.

I waved down the bartender and looked at him, "I wanted some fun." I tilted my head. "Is that a problem Damon?"

Damon nodded, "Yes, because this is my bar, Julia." He paused. "I'm starting to regret saving you." I was about to answer until I was interrupted.

The bartender finally came over to me. "What can I get for you, young lady?" He asked me.

"Red wine." I answered. He nodded and quickly opened a bottle. Next he poured the wine into glass and handed it to me.

"Red wine for a classy girl." He chuckled.

I smiled at him, "Thank you." He smiled and walked away to help another person. I looked over at Damon. "You need me, Damon."

Damon raised an eyebrow, "For what exactly? To ruin my eyes again?" He question.

I rolled my eyes and took a sip out of my wine. "I know you Damon and I know Katherine. If she's still out there, if she still cares, she will have people here being her puppets. They will tell her everything she wants to know. By now, she already knows all about Elena and she wants her dead."

Damon snapped his head towards me, "She won't lay a finger on her." He snapped.

I chuckled, "Elena has what she wants, Stefan. She wants her dead Damon, both of us know it." I paused and thought about 1864. "Damon, Katherine turned us both into monsters, that's why she kept you. As her hunting pet someone she to go hunting with."

I sighed, "I only need one thing from you." He nodded, asking for me to continue. "Don't kill Katherine."

His head shot up, "Why? I have every right."

I took one last sip out of my red wine. "Because she the reason why I'm a monster." I answered and left the grill.


•Mystic Falls, 1864•

Katherine was the one to throw a lantern onto the boy's body, disposing of the body. "Wasn't this fun?" Katherine asked as we watched the body go up in flames. 

"I want more," I growled and tried to run away, but Katherine grabbed me before I could go anywhere. "Let me go! I need more, Katherine!" I screamed.

Katherine rolled her eyes and slammed me into a tree. "Now the really fun part." I growled once more and felt my veins crave for more. Then I kicked Katherine in the stomach, sending her flying across the woods. She slammed into a large bark and falling to the ground.

I quickly took that chance to run away, until someone tackled me to the ground. I groaned, being the fact the person slammed me into the ground. "Calm down, Juliana." I heard Katherine behind me.

"No." I snapped and fight against her, but her grip on my arms was too tight.

"Juliana," Katherine called out. "I suggest you calm down before I break your arm." I growled, but stopped fighting. Next she flipped me over to my back. Her smirk was the only thing you could see on her face. "Now, let's talk."




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