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• Mystic Falls, Present Day•

Once Katherine left, I began drinking all of the blood bags that were in the refrigerator, following Katherine's orders. For the first couple of blood bags, they were easy to drink, probably because how destroyed my body was and how much it needed blood. But as I was nearing the end, it became more difficult to drink them, but I pushed through. The funny part about all of it was is the fact I never felt myself losing control. I guess Abby really had helped my issues, but then again, these were just blood bags. In all reality, I couldn't remember the last time I drank from a human and who knows how I would react to that.

The only problem about finishing the blood was that Katherine was yet to return. And not wanting to pissed the bitch off and get myself thrown into a safe and into some water, sat down in the chair that sat in the middle of the room. Yes, I could have just gone and explored the house, but I felt like there was no reason to because I knew that a family lived in the house. It would only remind me of the fact I had lost my family and the person I love. And the person I'm stuck with trapped me in a safe just to punish me.

The worst part of everything was the waiting game. I felt like I was waiting for hours in the unfinished basement and there was no clock in the room so it was impossible to tell the time. And having so much time empty time on my hands wasn't helping, because my mind would drift away to either being back into the safe and it's darkness or Peyton, wondering if she had met someone else and if she was happy.

And after waiting countless hours it seemed like, Katherine came storming down the stairs. Upon hearing her footsteps, I could tell by the sound of her footsteps, something clearly didn't go her way and I knew that she would take it out on me, just like typical Katherine. As she reached the last step, her face held a lot of rage and just by look of her shirt, which had a hole in it near her stomach, confirmed my theory of something not going right. But I held back my tongue from saying any kind of remarks for I knew it would anger the beast more.

I did the best thing for myself in this situation and sat in my chair quietly, waiting for her to make the first move. At first she didn't say anything, her eyes just wondered around the room and stopped upon seeing the trash can that was filled with the empty blood bags. But she didn't stop there, she walked over to the refrigerator and opened it and inspected the inside, checking to see if had truly had gone through with her request.

"I'm impressed." She called out as she closed the door and glanced back at me. "I thought you actually wouldn't do it, but you proved me wrong."

I rolled my eyes, "I was hungry. You did shoved me into a safe and threw me into the quarry to drown, over and over again." I paused and glanced down to the hole in her shirt. "I'm guessing Bonnie didn't help?"

Katherine clenched her jaw, "You would be correct. Instead, she put me onto a leash and forced me to follow her because she linked us together." Then she took a step towards me and I could feel her anger raging off of her. "Then my beloved doppelgänger made a surprise visit and nearly tried to kill me."

I crossed my arms as I watched her, "I'm beginning to feel like you want to kill Elena."

She smirked and pulled something from behind her back and I saw it was a white envelope, but I couldn't make out the front of it. "And you would be correct my dear friend." She walked over to me and placed the envelope in my hand before heading back up stairs.

On the front of the envelope, it wasn't address to any name and I proceeded to open the envelope. Inside of the envelope was a simple card but it was enough to make my stomach drop.

Announcing the Graduation of Caroline Forbes

Katherine is going to kill Elena on her graduation.

The Elusive Katherine PierceWhere stories live. Discover now