A Room with Katherine

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•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

"Anything interesting happening out there?" Katherine asked after pulling away from the hug and slowly made her way towards the couch.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Honesty, I just got here. I saw Elena, asked what was going on, and then came to find you. The only thing I know is that Elena let Elijah out of the cellar yesterday. I don't even know how much time we have left until the ritual."

Katherine looked at me confused and sat down on the couch, "You just got here? Why did you come?"

Great, now I have to tell her the truth. Yaya me!

I slowly made my way towards the couch while fidgeting with my fingers, "Well, I got a call from Damon and he told me that Klaus was here and that they didn't know what happened to you. So, I left New York and came here to find you." I paused. "I might hate you for all that you have done to me and my love life, but you are still my best friend and I'm not going to let you suffer by from Klaus. I know how much you are afraid of him." I explained to her.

She stared at me for a while before she stood up and went over to the bar and pour herself and I a drink. "Well, that's reassuring to know that deep down you still really care about me." Now we are back to selfish Katherine Pierce.

"Wow Katherine," She turned and looked at me. "Even in life threatening situations, you still make it all about you. I bet the only reason why you are happy that I am here is so you don't have to be alone, because we all know how much you hate being alone, especially in situations like theses."

Katherine hesitated and was about to say something, but I didn't let her. "I'll be in the other bedroom if you need me."

And with that, I went into the other room and slammed the door shut.


About an hour later, I heard Klaus walk into the apartment and that's when I came out of hiding from the bedroom.

"Where's Maddox?" He asked as he closed the door behind him and just as I was at the doorway of the bedroom. I glanced over and saw that Katherine was siting in a chair in the at the table, looking like her puppy just died or something. "He should be back by now."

"I don't know." Katherine responded and Klaus made his way into the living room while pulling out his phone. Slowly, I walked out of the door way and towards Katherine at the dinning room table.

As I was doing so, I watched as Klaus sat down on the couch and connect his phone to his laptop and pulled up a video. A video that had a girl tied up in chain in a basement. Well, I did not know that Klaus was the kinky type but okay. "What are you doing?" Katherine questioned, Klaus did not respond and clearly, Katherine was getting a little annoyed for she sighed. "Where's Elena?"

Clearly, Klaus was too busy on his phone and his laptop that he did not even turn around and looked at Katherine when he responded, "I sent her off with Greta." My guess is that Greta is another witch that is going to do the ritual for Klaus. From his computer, we could hear sounds of the girl in pain and Klaus smiled and pulled away. Creeper. "It's almost time."

Suddenly the front door of the apartment flew open and all three of our heads turned towards the sound. But we did not see anyone walk into the room. Until Klaus said something.

"I wasn't aware you'd been invited in." Klaus announced and when I looked back towards Klaus, I saw Damon standing there. I was about to gasp, when Katherine quickly put her hand over my mouth. It was clear she was trying to make sure that I did not blow my cover.

"I've come here to tell you that you have to postpone the ritual." Damon stated.

Klaus did not even turn around to face Damon, "Didn't we already have this conversation?"

I looked back at Katherine trying to figure out what the hell these two were talking about but Katherine only shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, but that was before I rescued your werewolf and vampire and killed your witch." That ticked Klaus off because he quickly got off the couch and went towards Damon.

"Excuse me?" Klaus asked very pissed off.

"And you can kill me for it. I don't care." When the hell did Damon get so bold? Like did he forget who the hell he is talking to for god-sakes? "It was all me."

"Katerina, Juliana, give us a moment." Damon turned around and looked at both of us as we quickly made our way towards the bedroom.


While we were sitting in the bedroom waiting for Klaus to be finished with Damon, Katherine kept staring at me. Finally I had enough of it. "Do you have a problem with your eyes or something? Because you keep staring at me."

Katherine got up from the chair that was across from me for I was sitting on the bed, and stood in front of me with her arms crossed. "After all of this is over, what do you plan on doing Juliana? What do you get out of helping me?"

When she asked me this, I didn't know what to say. In reality, I was confused and did not know what to tell her. But then it finally hit me. I wanted a life with Peyton, not Katherine. Peyton makes me happy while Katherine just makes my life so difficult and frustrating. Thats when I knew what I was going to tell Katherine. "I came back because Damon asked for my help and you want to know what Katherine? You were the first person I asked about if you were okay, because I care about you. I'm trying to get over you but you keep finding a way to sneak your ass back into my life. But I think this is finally the end for us Katherine. I came to help Damon and you, but I've come to realize that this was a mistake. I was about to risk my life for you but you don't care and you know what you have made me realized? I'm happy without you. I don't need you anymore. In the end Katherine, you are the one who needs me."

And with that, Katherine's face showed it all. I had finally broken Katherine Pierce's heart the same way she broke mine. Betrayed.


Guys, I'm so sorry that this chapter is shit. I feel like I can't write anymore or like I don't have any desire to write anymore. I tried to make this good, but its sooo bad. I'm sorry.

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