"Hi, partner."

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•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

After speaking with Caroline, and Katherine making it very clear if Caroline was to screw up. She would have her head. After leaving her house, Katherine decided to have some fun with Stefan, which left me all by myself so I decided to go back to Caroline's since we were practically partners for now.

When I got back to her house, I knocked on her bedroom door before coming in. "Hi, partner."

Caroline had changed into something different and was looking at herself in the mirror, making sure she looked fine. Caroline jumped a little before turning to me and I could already tell she was pissed because of the hand on her hip. "Why did you kill me?" She asked.

I sighed, I knew this was going to happened. I made my way to her bed before sitting down it and looked up at her. "I didn't have a choice. I never wanted to do that Caroline. I consider you as a friend."

Caroline threw her hands in the air as if she was annoyed with me. "Then why didn't you say anything to her! Why do you always do as she says! You didn't say one word while she was here earlier! You just stood there!" She shouted.

I took a deep breath in, "Because I'm in love with her," A tear began to form in my eye. "a-and I can't fight her. No matter how hard I want to, I can't because I have the need to make her proud of me. I had to make sure she accepts me."

Caroline's hand cover her mouth. "Julia, I'm so sorry."

I chuckled, and wiped away my tear. "Don't be, I'll get over it after everything is done. After I get my family back, I won't have any feelings left for her."

Caroline looked at me confused, "Family?"

I stood up from the bed and went to her window and looked out of it. "The Salvatore Brothers think they lost everything after Katherine. They are just child's play compared to me. Katherine turned my sister, my twin sister, and I haven't seen her since I was sixteen. Years after living with Katherine as a human, I had a child. A baby boy. Only months after his birth, she took him away from me." I turned to her. "Do you know what that's like? To have the child you have been carrying for nine months to be ripped away from you?"

Caroline shook her head but didn't say a word. "It's pure hell, and now, I found out she turned him too. My sister and my son are both vampires, and I can't see them until I make Katherine happy." I paused, to take in all of her emotions. Caroline felt sorry for me and wish she could help me, but she knew she couldn't. Not without a death wish. "I killed you, to make her happy just so I could get closer to my family. Won't you do the same thing if someone took away your mother?" I asked her.

Caroline slowly nodded, "Yes, I would. I would do anything possible to get her back." Suddenly, a beep came from her phone. She quickly reach over from her nightstand to grabbed it, and read the text. "Elena's aunt is having a barbecue and she wants me over because Damon is going to be there. Is this a good way to distract her?"

I nodded, "Let's just hope and pray she stays distracted."


When we arrived at Elena's house, I sighed. Now have to explained myself to her and probably Damon where I have been at.

Caroline walked up to the front door and knocked on it. The swung opened by Elena, who didn't see me yet.  "Caroline, hi, come on in."

Caroline smiled, and turned to me. "I hope you don't mind but I brought Julia. I found her in the woods not to far from here."

Elena stepped out of the house a little to see me. She looked at me like she was unsure whether not it was good for me to be here. I smiled, "Don't worry, I'm here on my own free will. Caroline told me there was a barbecue and I haven't had any in a long time."

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