You Failed

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•Richmond, Virginia 1795•

The carriage took us to Richmond, Virginia. I don't know why Katherine would want to move here out of all the places, but I really didn't have a say. The only thing I got out of all of this was the ownership of the house. Something about keep out unwelcome vampires, I don't know, I wasn't really listening when Katherine and Pearl were explaining everything. Anna and I got along very well. My guess it was because of how close in age we were, metaphorically speaking. Pearl was almost another mother to me. She watched out for me. Katherine, on the other hand, hadn't talk to me that much lately. Only a few sentences.

Suddenly I heard a knock at the door and I quickly went to the door. No one else was here, except me. The vampires had gone out to enjoy their feedings, leaving me all alone. I opened the door and smiled at the person, who happened to be an elderly woman. "Yes?" I asked kindly.

The woman smiled, "Dear, do you happen to have any lighting fluid? I perhaps have ran out." She explained as she held up her lantern.

I nodded, "I very much so happen to have some. Please come in." I told her and turn my back away from her. In seconds I was slammed against the wall. "What in the hell?" I screamed.

"You failed the first task, Julia." I heard Katherine behind me as she grabbed my arm and twisted it, making me cry out in pain. "Fail again, dear, and that will be the last of it." She snapped as she let me go.

I turned around in seconds, but she was already gone. Pearl and Anna were the only ones in front of me. "What in Gods name happened to her?"

Pearl sighed and placed her hand on her head, "Juliana, the houses ownership was given to you because you are a human. With you as the owner, only you can invite other vampires."

My eyes widened, "Katherine did not tell me that! If I would have-"

"You would have what?" Katherine interrupted as she came back down the stairs, and I could feel her eyes burning a hole through me. "No wonder you are alone, when I found you. You are weak, and no one wants something like you."

I gasped, it was almost like she had slapped me across the face. My eyes started to water, before I darted up the stairs to my room, where I cried for hours.

•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

I woke up early before anyone else, and decided to go to the Salvatore's house. There, I found Damon boarding up the window with a piece of wood, probably because of the rain that we had received early this morning. Stefan stood in front of the fireplace, and Elena was right by his side. I smirked and looked over at Damon, "How's the window going?"

"What do you want, Julia?" Stefan asked me.

I pretend to think about it for a second, "Hmm, not much really."

Damon looked over at me, "Who was the idiot that came here yesterday?"

I rolled my eyes, "He's already been dealt with, Damon."

Elena glared at me, "I can't believe you made a deal with her." She hissed, nodding towards me.

"It was more like a helpful exchange of information." Damon continued.

I chuckled and sat down on the couch, "It was not like you had a choice. I happen to be, oh what's the word, oh yes, scary at times." I answered for him.

"Besides, she's gonna help me get Katherine back." Damon added before sitting down next to me.

I raised an eyebrow, "That's unless I kill her first."

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