Bush Hill

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• Philadelphia, 1793•

When we arrived at Bush Hill, I did not throw up once during the whole ride which surprised me. Then I noticed that Bush Hill was a hospital, a hospital for people with the fever.

Once the carriage stopped Katherine helped me out of it. The second I got out of the carriage, I threw up in the grass. Just great.

Katherine's grip on me tighten, "Come, we need to get a doctor for you." She told me, practically dragging me inside the hospital because I could no longer move.

When we entered the hospital, Katherine quickly called out to a nurse. "Nurse! Please help, my friend has the fever and I do not know how long she has had it." She told the woman.

The nurse looked up and down at me, "I am sorry, Miss, but we do not have the room. You must find another place."

Katherine growled, "I did not come here to be told there is no room. Make room for her." She placed and readjust me in her arms. "She is only sixteen, she has a whole life out there."

"I am sorry, but there is no room. She will just have to die." The nurse told Katherine again.

Katherine took a step towards her, and grabbed her arm. From the looks of it, Katherine was holding her arm tight. "Make room for her now, before I kill someone to make room." She snapped.

The woman's eyes widen, and quickly nodded. "I am sure there is another bed somewhere." She answered. "Please, follow me."

I looked up at Katherine, who indeed was smiling. She got what she wanted. Katherine quickly followed the nurse to empty bed and gently placed me down on it. The nurse was about to leave, when Katherine grabbed her arm.

Like with the coachman, Katherine's eyes dilated. "You will stay with her and make sure she is properly being cared for. Do I make myself clear?" She demanded.

The nurse quickly nodded, "Yes, ma'am." She answered and was gone.

Next Katherine looked out the window that was beside my bed. Then she sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. Katherine then took my hand, "I will be back tomorrow night, just get better."

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"I can not walk in the sun, Juliana or else I will die." She paused. "When I come back, tell me if they are taking care of you."

I nodded, "Will do."

She smiled, "Get some rest, Juliana. You need it."

I nodded once more and watch her leave before I closed my eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.


•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

I groaned and slowly began to wake up. It a while before my eyes could adjust to light and I looked around. I was in a small room and was chained to chair.

Then I remember what happened. I told Damon to kill me and he didn't. Why can't I just die already!

"Finally, you woke up." I heard someone say. My head shot up and I saw Damon, smirking. Next to him was Stefan and his little girlfriend.

I tug on the chains, trying to break them. "I will kill all of you the second I get out of here." I growled.

The little girl spoke up, "Why do you want to die?" She asked me.

I glared at her, "I've been alive since 1777. I'm ready to die, but someone couldn't do it." I snapped looking at Damon.

Stefan was next to speak. "In 1864, you had the choice to feed off of me. Why didn't you do it?"

I rolled my eyes and lend back in the chair. "Some people thought it was wrong to feed off a human. Now I regret it."

"Alright, alright. No need to threaten anyone." Damon said.

I looked over at him, "Why?" I asked him. "Why spend the pass 145 years looking for her? She didn't love you Damon, only Stefan. You were just the boy who she feed off."

He glared at me, "She loved me."

I rolled my eyes once more, "Keep telling yourself that."

Suddenly he was in front of me, and I smiled. He fell for my trap. "She loved me. We were going to be together." He was about to continue, but I had already sank my fangs into his neck. Damon quickly pulled away, but I already got what I wanted. His blood, which gave me strength. Next I pulled on the chains hard enough to break them. Everyone's eyes widen.

I smirked and tilted my head, "What? Did you honesty think those would keep me locked up?" I asked them but none of them answer. "I wouldn't either, but then again. I knew Katherine Pierce."

I quickly grabbed the Katherine lookalike and sped away from the Salvatore's Boarding House.


I ran far away from the house until I was in the middle of the woods and threw the girl to the ground. She tried to scoot back, but a tree blocked her way. I smiled and kneel down so I was eye level with her.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

I could sense the fear on her as she answered. "E-E-Elena. Elena Gilbert." She answered.

I raised an eyebrow, "They still existed? I thought all of the vampires would've killed them by now." I paused and shrugged my shoulders. "Oh well."

"P-please, d-don't hurt me." She begged.

I stood up and looked down at her, "Oh little girl, I have no reason to hurt you. Just your little boyfriends. Especially Damon." Then I looked down at her clothes and then at mine. She wore a black leather jacket with a red shirt, and had on dark trousers. While I wore a dirty old dress. I pointed at her clothes, "Please don't tell me those are people wear nowadays."

She nodded, "They are."

I sighed, "Just great." I paused and looked at her and smirked. "Looks like you are going to be of use."

The Elusive Katherine PierceWhere stories live. Discover now