Daddy's Little Girl

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• Philadelphia, 1793•

Abigail and I were in the living, knitting some clothes for the orphans who lived a couple blocks down when both of our parents entered the living. "Children, if the fever becomes worst. Your father and I have decided it is best if we leave town." Our mother explained to us.  

I put down my needles and looked at my mother confused, "Leave town? What about grandmother? You are willing to leave your own mother behind?" I questioned her.

"Juliana, your grandmother has no hope. She has the fever, and I forbid you and your sister going over to there." She explained.

I stood up from my seat, "She needs help!" I screamed.

"Juliana," My father coughed. "Listen to your mother."

I went over to my father. He fought in the war, and was shot twice. Luckily he survived both shots. He was shot in the leg, and it had to be cut off. The second shot was in his chest, close to the ribs. The bullet broke one of his ribs and grazed one of his lungs, but they were able to take the bullet out and his ribs healed. But ever since then he has had breathing problems. He can't do as much as he use to because of his lungs.

I kneel down by his side and grabbed his hand, "Father, grandmother still has a chance at life. She only needs our support." I explained to him.

My father stared at me for a long time, then he nodded. I was my father's baby girl, while my mother adored my sister. He looked at his wife, "Charlotte, we will stay until your mother dies and the girls will help."

"Ben, you can not be serious! We will die if we stay here another day! The fever-" My mother continued, until my father held up his hand stopping her. He had the power in the house, because he was the man of the house. Woman didn't really matter to the outside world. Some man forced woman to marry them or it was arranged marriage.

Luckily for our family, it was an arranged marriage but they were best friends before then. They were good together, and soon their friendship turned into relationship. Then they had us. Twins were very uncommon around town, so we were special. When woman were pregnant with twins, things never went right. Miscarriages, the mother was sick after giving birth, or worst, they die from child labor.

"Charlotte, we will stay and that is final." He snapped, putting his foot down. Next my father grabbed his tall black hat, and began to stand up, struggling in the process. I quickly grabbed his side, helping him out of his seat, as he stood up on his cane. Then he looked at me and smiled. "Thank you, Juliana." Then he put on his hat.

I smiled back, and let go of him. "My pleasure, Father."

He left the house and my mother glared at me. She stormed over to me and slapped me right across my face, which wasn't uncommon. Like I said, I'm Daddy's Little Girl. Then she grabbed my jaw and made eye contact with me. "If you get the Fever, Juliana, we will leave you behind. Do I make myself clear?"

I glared at her, "Yes, ma'am."

She let go of my jaw, "Now, go clean the clothes."

I looked out the window, and noticed it was raining. "But it is raining, Mother. You do not except me to stand out their in the rain, do you?" My mother crossed her arms, and didn't move from her spot. I sighed and grabbed the basket of clothes that needed to be wash. I looked back at Abby and she gave me a sad smile. I turned my back and left the house.


•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

"Julia, Julia, come on. Class is over." I heard someone. I blinked a few times, trying to realize where I was. I looked around and saw desks around me. I turned and saw Elena. "Everything okay?"

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