She won't be coming back

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•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

I smirked at the brothers before speeding out of the house and followed Frederick to make sure he went back house. Surprisedly he did, without me intervening with him.

Frederick entered the house without him knowing, I was following close behind him. He went to the kitchen, but stopped at the entry of it. The fridge was opened and someone was standing behind it. Once the person closed the door, I noticed it was Pearl.

"So where's Bethanne?" Pearl asked him.

"She won't be coming back." I answered for him, and walking pass him into the kitchen where I saw Anna. I went over to the table and sat down next to her.

Pearl didn't even looked back at me, because she knew I wasn't the reason for her not being here. She knew I wouldn't cause trouble, unless it was necessary. Her eyes were just drilled on Frederick. "What happened? Where is she?" Pearl questioned.

"Well, you were right." Frederick answered. He eyed Anna, and me. "We shouldn't have left." He continued.

She shook her head, "No. You shouldn't have." Pearl said. Next she looked at me, and Frederick. "Are you two hungry?"

Frederick only nodded and began to enter the kitchen, while I smiled at Pearl. "Please."

Pearl poured the bottle blood into two cups. From over here I could see her grabbed something as she grabbed the cup. Pearl began to walk towards Frederick just when she was about to hand him the cup, she stabbed him with something. Frederick groaned in pain until she pulled out the object and then I noticed it was a wooden spoon.

She placed the cup on the edge of the table and went back to the other filled cup. Pearl grabbed the cup and walked towards the table where Anna and I where at. She handled me the cup, before refilling hers. "Next time, you'll listen to me."

I only smirked and looked back at the wounded vampire.


•Mystic Falls, 1864•

"Ah!" I screamed, all I was doing was screaming now. Katherine came down here every day and tortured me in anyway. Maybe with vervain, stab me over and over with a wooden stake, and the worst of them all. Starve me of blood.

I haven't had a drop of human blood. The only kind of blood she gave me was animal blood, but I didn't crave for it. Sometimes she just shoved it down my throat.

Right now, she was stabbing me in the stomach over and over with a small wooden stake. Not to big to kill me, but big enough to caused pain. Katherine pulled the stake out and played with it before stabbing it right back into my stomach. "Come on, Juliana. I am getting very annoyed here, go back to animal blood already." She snapped before twisting the stake, making me roar in pain.

"Alright!" I screamed. My body could no longer handed it. She never gave me enough time to heal unless she was feeling good, but that was rarely. "I beg of you, Katherine! Stop!"

A smirked appeared on her face as she pulled the stake out. She stepped away from me and sat down in the seat she had brought down to watch me. To watch me suffer. Katherine was right in front of me and I didn't know what to do. She only played with stake in her hand and watched me. Katherine put down the stake on the small table and picked up the knife that had been dripped in vervain. Then she stood up from her seat and stopped in front of me. "Are you willing to go back to animal blood?" She asked me as she dragged the knife across my leg.

I quickly nodded "Yes!" I yelled. "I will do whatever you want, just stop!"

Katherine smiled and placed the knife on the table. My best friend disappear for a second but came back with a large glass container, almost half a gallon, that was full of blood. She untwisted the lid and came closer to me. "If you say that, then you will go back to animal blood. Then you have to finished this whole jar of deer blood." Katherine faked a frown, "And we do not want my hard work to go to waste, now do we?"

I shook my head and Katherine once again smiled. She brought the glass close to my lips and tilted it so the blood would fall into my mouth. I wanted to keep my mouth shut, I begged for it, but I opened my mouth and began to drink the cold animal blood.

"Drink up, Julia. We had a big day ahead of us."


•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

I growled remembering the years before. I grabbed the closest thing and threw it against the wall. I felt my fingernails dig deep into my skin, blood bleed from my hand. Suddenly I heard someone open the door, "Juliana, are you okay?" I heard Anna ask.

I kept my back to her, "When I lost control in 1864, she bled me dry, she stabbed over and over with a wooden stake, and she spiked my blood with vervain. She did every possible to ruin me." I turned and faced her with watery eyes. "I meant nothing to her."

Anna quickly came over to me, "That isn't true, Julia. She saved you from the fe-"

I cut off my friend, "She saved me to become her doll, Annabelle! I was a young girl who was dying and had no one! I was alone and I was weak!" I screamed at her. I turned away from her. "I have the upper hand now."


A smirked appeared on my face and faced her. "Because, I'm going to do anything in my power to keep Elena safe, that includes killing Katherine."

The Elusive Katherine PierceWhere stories live. Discover now