All Good Things Must Come to an End

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• Charlotte, North Carolina 1804 •

Over the past four years have been some of the best years of my life. Charlotte had become my home.

I was able to explore the area quickly especially due to Charlotte's climate of always being rainy made it easy for me to leave my home very often. I knew everyone and everyone knew me. My closest friend was an old lady down the street from my home. Her name was Mrs. Joelynn, and was one of the most sweetest old lady's I have ever met. She was everyone's grandmother in the town, that's how much she was loved by everyone.

Mrs. Joelynn also happened to take me under her wing. When I first got into town, she showed me around town and introduced me to everyone. She even went as far as schooling me in writing. Yes, I had received school in Pennsylvania by my mother, but due to her dislike of me, I received much less than my sister.

With Mrs. Joelynn's teachings, she made it possible for me to write letters to Pearl and Anna. I tried to write to them at lease once a week. Recently, I wrote to Pearl telling her how much I loved Charlotte and how I plan on staying here for a long time. When I received a letter back from her, she said she was happy for me, but told me to never get too comfy in a place because she never knew when Katherine would return. I just shrugged off her advice, believing she was a crazy old woman who didn't know how to detach herself from someone.

I was overall happy. I felt human again. Katherine was long gone and I found another group of people to follow. People I found who cared for me, even when I did the slightest mistake. They always helped and showed me different. Something Katherine wouldn't do.

I was finally living the perfect life.


With another week gone, I found myself heading over to Mrs. Joelynn's house. Prior to that, I just received another letter from Pearl, even though I never sent her another one back, telling me I needed to return back to Richmond, in order to prevent people from getting hurt. People who I grown to care about in this town. Once again, I shrugged it off.

Arriving at Mrs. Joelynn's house for our typical gathering was always something that brightened my day. No matter what. I knocked on the door and Mrs. Joelynn was quick to answer the door.

Upon opening the door, Mrs. Joelynn smiled, "Juliana, please enter." She told me, opening the door wide for me to enter.

I returned the smile, "Thank you Mrs. Joelynn."

Mrs. Joelynn closed the door and led the way into kitchen, "Follow me dear, I made cookies today and I want you to tell me what you think. The orphans are hosting a gathering and I plan on bring my world famous cookies."

I chuckled and followed her, "Mrs. Joelynn, any child who finds your cookies not divine, are not human. Nothing can replace the sweetness of your cookies."

Mrs. Joelynn let our her sweet sounding laugh, "Juliana, I swear, I can not believe you do not have a husband yet. Your beauty and kindness can bring men to their knees."

I reached out to grab and cookie and took a bite out of it. "Every man I have met, Mrs. Joelynn, have always seem to grow attach to me for my sister. My sister has had her ways with men, and the few that care for me only end up getting hurt. I will not let any other person get hurt because of me."

Mrs. Joelynn stared at me for a while, processing all of the information I just had said. But in the end she shrugged her shoulders, "Oh well, how was your day dear?"

•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

It was weird being back at Mrs. Flowers' home, even though I was only gone for a little while, it seemed different. Darker maybe. I don't know, but it was weird.

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