Monster's Ball

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•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

I left the cemetery shortly after my conversation with Caroline. One, I did what I was suppose to, I remembered the people I lost. And two, it felt weird being their while Caroline was having some study date in the cemetery. Clearly, whoever she having the study date with didn't think it was weird to have in a cemetery, but I sure as hell would have thought so.

I couldn't go back to the Salvatore's house, especially since there had been no sign of Katherine and every time I thought about the brothers or Elena, I just wanted to rip their throats out. But, I knew I couldn't. I had to wait until I found something about Katherine. Even though it killed me to let them to continue to run around all day, living their best lives.

I ended up returning to my destroyed home. I sighed as I entered the house, slowly picking up the pieces that weren't too damaged. Once I got the house in some what good shape, I sat down in the only seat that wasn't broken which just happened to be the couch. It wasn't in perfect shape, but it was enough to sit down on. And I did the stupid thing that people do when they are hurting, I pulled out my phone.

I went to the phone app and scrolled all the way to Abby's number and hovered my thumb over the call button, but never found the strength to push the button. I hated myself for it too. My sister deserved to know that I was okay and well, but I knew what she would do. She would find a way to convince me to come back to New York and to retry things with Peyton, but I knew I couldn't do that. As much as I loved Peyton, I somehow loved Katherine more. Even knowing she would never return the love towards me, Katherine came first.

But then I found myself looking at all the pictures that Peyton and I took together on my phone. And if I'm being completely honest, it hurt. Peyton made me happy, made me laugh, put a smile on my face, held me when I cried to her about Katherine and how she broke me, but yet, I wanted Katherine more. The one person who I knew would never want me. I spent what felt like hours just looking at photos of us, feeling my heart break but I wasn't sure who it was breaking over. Peyton or Katherine?

I glanced up, and looked out my living room window only to notice it had become dark. Then suddenly, I got a call from an unknown number. I stared at the phone, watching it ring, wondering who it could possibly be, but deep down my gut told me to pick up the phone. So I answered it.

I brought the phone up to my ear, waited a second to see if they would response first, but they didn't. So I did. "Hello?"

"Did you miss me?" (A/n, getting hella pretty little liars vibes right there... and I love it)

And I felt my cold dead heart skip a beat.


"And I did this because you killed my mother." Nadia finished.

Katherine gave the woman a blank stare, trying to retrace her memory, trying to figure out who this woman was. Trying to piece anything together about the woman, but nothing was connecting. And Katherine remembered most of her kills, even some of Juliana's kills, but this woman, Katherine had never seen her. And if there was one thing Katherine followed as a vampire was the fact she never killed a child nor did she ever kill someone in front a child.

While Katherine was trying to solve the puzzle in her head, Nadia continued. "It happened in Paris, 1645."

The place and year surprised Katherine. For one, Katherine never killed inside the city of Paris, only on the outside. Mainly because there were so many people who were in fashion in Paris, she didn't want to accidentally kill someone who was her favorite designer. But she had a hard time trying to figure out what she was doing in 1645.  But she was still having a hard time believing a word this woman was saying, but she continued her playing along.

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