Waking up to the Devil

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•Richmond, Virginia 1796•

No one had any knowledge of the deal that Juliana and Katherine had made. Not even Pearl, and Katherine told her almost everything. The deal was for Katherine to turn Julia, and Julia would follow her, as debt for saving her from Yellow Fever. However, the only thing Katherine had left out was, she would turn Julia into a monster. Worst than Katherine, just so Katherine could have protection from Klaus. As Katherine always said, "Better you die than I" and that even included her best friend.

After Katherine had snapped Julia's neck with her blood in her system, Pearl had arrived, while Anna was still out in the town. As soon as Pearl saw Julia dead on the floor without a heartbeat, she had dropped everything that was in her hands and stared down Julia's dead body. Pearl knew that Katherine would turn her, but not so soon, especially with a young child in the house. Pearl had also thought that since she had grown attach to Julia, that Katherine would allow her to turn her, not Katherine.

Finally Pearl had attacked Katherine, and tried to pin her to the wall but like always, Katherine had won and switch positions. Pearl growled and hissed at Katherine to let her go, but Katherine wouldn't. "Why!" Pearl hissed while clawing at Katherine's arms that pinned her to the wall. "Why would you do this to her! She was not ready!"

Like usual, Katherine rolled her eyes. "Since when did you think you can make decisions around here? I turned you, Pearl, do not forget that." Katherine told her, while releasing her for her hold and walked towards the dead girl and gave her a little kick in the side. "She was plenty ready, and it will not be long before we need to leave again. We are better off turning her now, then later."

Pearl did not even listen to Katherine, however, she did not hear Lawrence in house. This had crossed Pearl's line. "Where is Lawrence? And do not lie to me Katherine." She protested as she clinched her fist.

This made Katherine smirked as she turned to her companion. "He is gone. How else do you think I killed her? I had to get her so vulnerable that she would be willing to do anything to have him."

Pearl's jaw dropped, she never thought that Katherine would kill a child. Never in her lifetime did she see this coming. However, Katherine had noticed the look on her face and once again rolled her eyes. "He is not dead. He is with someone I trust who will take care of him."

Pearl had not even noticed a tear fall down her cheek until she had felt something wet on her hand. It broke her heart to hear that a child will grow up without his mother. "Will he know about Julia?"

Katherine smiled, "Have you not meet me? Of course not, he will think I'm his mother."


•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

Katherine released me and went back to the table to grab her mug of coffee, which I had not noticed before. "Do you honesty think I will tell you where he is?"

I knew she never would have, that was Katherine Pierce for you. I sightly shook my head, telling her 'no'. She chuckled, "I thought so."

I swallowed the large limp in my throat, "Is he alive?" I asked softly.

Katherine took a sip out of mug and nodded, "Of course. Just like you, I turned him after I knew he had gotten a girl pregnant." She paused and put down her cup. "It was sad though, he was stupid enough to tell the girl about vampires, so a few month's after she had given birth. I had to kill her. Well, Lawrence did. She was his first kill."

I closed my eyes, imaging the pain my son must had went though. He had to killed the mother of his child, probably someone he had loved. "Did you turn him into a monster, like me?"

She grinned, but shook her head. "That was the disappointing part about the whole thing, he wasn't like you. After he killed his little girlfriend, he never really did kill only when needed. He was a good little boy, unlike you."

Finally, I had built up enough courage to look at her. "What do I have to do?" I asked.

Katherine tilted her head in confusion. "What?"

I sighed and took in a deep breath, "What do I have to do to see my sister and my son?"

Katherine smirked, she knew she had me wrapped around her finger again, and she didn't even have to lift a finger to do so. Suddenly she had pulled out a seat from the table and pointed at it. "Sit."

I let out deep breath and walked over to the seat and sat down. Katherine soon took a seat across from me and smiled. "I'll tell you what I want."


Katherine had a very long list for me to follow, so long, I would have to have her write it for me. She told me in order for me to see my family. I had to play by her rules. I couldn't just leave when I wanted to like yesterday. I couldn't attack her, unless it was for an act and she had told me to do so. Finally, the last but not less. I had to break up Stefan and Elena but I would have Caroline's help, that's if she had lived the night yesterday.

She told me if I screwed up in the slightest way, my chances of seeing my family would become nothing. She told me I would have to wait another two hundred years before I could see them. I was in the palm of her hand and we both knew it.

"Anyways, besides that, I heard they didn't kill Caroline last night when she showed up at the carnival. Saint Stefan saved the day and taught her some control over the urge." Katherine rambled on.

"What does this have to do with me?"

"It had everything to do with you, because tomorrow morning. We are seeing her and telling her of her new job as one of my vampires."


When we arrived at Caroline's house, I noticed her blinds for her windows were open that went to her bedroom. Which concluded that she probably wasn't burning to death, and she had a daylight ring.

I turned to Katherine, "Bonnie must have made her a daylight ring." I told her as we made our way to the house.

"It won't have taken long. Bonnie cares to much about Caroline. Even what happened a few days ago." Katherine explained.

I stopped for a second which made Katherine turn and stop. "What do we plan on doing? Just sit there until she wakes up?" I asked her.

Katherine shrugged her shoulders, "Basically."

I sighed and continued to make my way towards Caroline's house. We went through the back door because that was the only door we found unlocked. Once inside, we made our way to Caroline's room. There we found her asleep. Katherine decided to stand right in front of Caroline's window which happened to be at the foot at Caroline's bed. While I stayed in the door frame, wondering what Katherine was going to do.

Not even a minute later, she being to wake up. And the thing she was going to wake up to was Katherine staring down at her with her hand on her hip. That's something I wish to not wake up ever to.

Caroline was startled, and quickly sat up at the sight of Katherine. "Elena?" She asked, probably because the sun was behind Katherine making it hard to tell which one it was.

"Nope. Try again." Katherine responded.

Suddenly, you could see the gears beginning to move in Caroline's mind. "Katherine."

Katherine smirked, before sitting down on the bed, making Caroline scoot closer to her headboard. "Don't be frightened." Katherine started, which make me roll my eyes. Katherine is always scary. "We're going to have so much fun together." Katherine finished with her signature evil grin at the end of her sentence.


also, if I never told you guys, this book will covered all of the seasons that Katherine was in (including the very last episode, when that comes around, you guys are in for a special treat😉)


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