A pretty boy is no longer pretty

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•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

Once we arrived at the house, Anna and her mother took over a couples farmhouse. It didn't shock me at all, Pearl had a thing with farmhouses. I don't know why, but she always did.

Anna had to help me up to the house, because I lost a lot of energy and I still haven't had a chance to actually feed. While Anna was holding me up, she knocked on the front door.

The Pearl I knew from 1864, opened the door and smiled at me. "Juliana, it's a pleasure to see you again." Pearl looked back at an older woman I guess owned the house. "Please, invite this young woman in."

The woman smiled at me, "Please, come in."

Anna led me to the couch and placed me down. Then I saw another familiar face, and I smiled. "Harper." I whispered.

Harper smiled back, "It is nice to see you again, Julia."

Anna quickly looked at me, "I'll go get a blood bag for you."

Pearl quickly stopped her, "No, she need warm blood, Annabelle." Anna nodded and was gone.

I quickly shook my head, "I can't have human blood. You know this, Pearl."

She kneel in front of me, "Juliana, you have been without blood for 145 years. You need it."

My eyes started to water, "I can't go through that again. She's not here. I will lose control."

Pearl stared at me, and grabbed my hands. "You have all of us, none of us are going to let you hurt anyone after this. I promise you that."

Then Anna was back with a young girl who looked twenty-three at lease. Anna compelled her to not move or scream. Pearl slowly helped me up and brought me close to the girl. Anna tilted the girls head, exposing her neck. I could hear her pulse racing faster and faster. I felt my dry veins beg for her blood and I felt my teeth sharpen.

Then I bit into her neck.


•Mystic Falls, 1864•

I sat against the wall in my house, trying to figure out why Katherine would ruin my journal. My life's work. She ruined it all, and there was nothing I could do.

Then I heard my front door open. I didn't move a muscle because I didn't care who it was. Until the person enter the study, where I was at.

It was a young boy, seventeen at lease. His neck was bleeding and I knew a vampire had attack him. I slowly stood up and looked at the boy. "Who are you?" I asked.

He smiled, "Miss. Katherine sent me. She wanted to apologize for what she did and sent me. She feels very awful for what she did, Juliana." The young boy tilt his head. "You may feed off me if you want or even kill me."

I slowly went towards him, smelling his blood and licking my lips. I no longer craved for animal blood, I wanted human blood. Human blood from the vein. The black veins under my eyes began to show and my fangs enlarge. "Will you move?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "No, I will not. Miss. Pierce compelled me not to move or speak unless spoke to."

I smirked and I knew my whole vampire side was showing. "Good." Then I bit into his neck. While draining his blood, I placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed on them so hard, they broke.

Once there was no longer blood in his body, I ripped his arms off. Then it was his head. His body fell to the ground and a little bit of blood oozed out of his body, but I wasn't done yet.

I kneel over the lifeless blood and dig my finger nails into his skin, so hard his skin began to peel off. I quickly ripped his skin off his body, like I was skinning him just like a fish.

I could see every organ and bone in his bloody body. First I ripped out his ribs, next was his stomach, then his kidneys, and finally, his heart.

Once I was done dismembering his body, I went over to his head. I picked it up and stared at the boy's face.

"What a pretty face." I said to myself, then I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh well."

I shoved my thumbs inside his eyes and tore his head in half. His skull snapped in half as well, so I could see the boy's brain.

I let his head roll off my finger tips and fell to the floor with a thump. I bend over and grabbed the legs of the body and dragged his body out of my house and into the woods. Once I got his body far enough out, I ran back to the house. I grabbed his arms and what was left of his head and went back to the woods.

Where I saw Katherine standing over the body. She looked over at me, "I am guessing you enjoy my little present."

I ignored her and threw his remains on top of the body. Katherine looked over at his head, "What a shame. A pretty boy is no longer pretty."

"Shut up." I growled.

She crossed her arms, "Oh, someone is feisty." Katherine kicked away his arms and his head. Then she examined the body, and looked back at me. "You even took out his stomach and his kidneys. I did not even know you could do that."

I sped over to her, "I said, shut up!" I yelled in her face.

Katherine smirked, "Looks like the doctor is back."

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