The Search for the Best Friend

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•Somewhere in the United States, Present Day•

It's been a couple of weeks since Katherine returned to Alaric's apartment only to find that Juliana, Klaus, Stefan, and even Elijah's body were gone. Upon finding all of this, Katherine grew fearful for her best friend. She didn't know if her best friend was even alive, or if she was under Klaus's control. She was in the dark, and she did not like it at all. She liked to be in control of everything, and right now, the only thing she had control over was the clothes she had on her body.

With not knowing what was going on with her best friend, Katherine did something she never would have thought she would have ever done in her life time. She followed Klaus's trail. Well, more like she followed the bodies, because she was still uncertain on how Klaus would react if he saw her again and Katherine did not feel like dying. Every time that she found a police report that involved bodies being drained of their blood, Katherine was quickly there at the scene to investigate.

When Katherine arrived at the first scene of bodies, she could tell the work was all done by Stefan. The body parts were tore apart, but then they were put back together and position in a certain way. The next scene, she was expecting body parts and organs to be all over the floor, but it was seem like it was the same again. It was done by Stefan. It was the same for the next one too.

This caused Katherine to be even more worried. Had Klaus killed Juliana? But what for? Juliana actually listened to him and did what he asked. She didn't fight him or anything. She let him control her.

Suddenly Katherine felt sick to her stomach. What if he compelled Julia to tell Klaus the truth about her relationship to Katherine? Then when he found out the truth, the only way he felt like he could punish Katherine, for turning into a vampire many years ago, was to kill Julia.

Katherine quicken her pace, she had to find out what happened to her best friend, even if it meant losing her life.


•New York City, Present Day•

"Julia! Wake the fuck up!" Abby basically screamed into my ear while shaking me very rapidly. What the fuck is her problem? Could she not see I was very comfy in my bed all happy and relax?

I quickly slapped away her hands, "What the fuck? I was sleeping really good." I groaned and began to pull the covers over my head, hoping that would be a sign for her to leave me the fuck alone.

"Oh no, you're ass is not going back to sleep!" Suddenly she grabbed my covers and pulled them all the way down, exposing me to the cold air. Then, she did something I would have never expected from my sister. She literally grabbed my ankles and yanked me to the ground, causing me to hit my head really had on the ground.

I let out a loud cry and held my head in pain, "Okay, seriously what the fuck? You don't see me dragging you out of bed."

"Peyton's here." That's all it took for the pain to go away and I quickly jumped up from the ground and went straight to my bathroom.

"What! Why! We didn't have any plans this morning!" I quickly exclaimed, while trying to hold my excitement. I quickly brushed through my hair to make it some what presentable and began to grab for the toothpaste.

Abby shrugged her shoulders and lend against the door frame to the bathroom, "I don't know, she just showed up and I told her you were already awake, just taking a risen off shower. So hurry the fuck up!" She called out as she left my room and began to precede to go downstairs

I rolled my eyes, but quickly tried to make myself presentable for Peyton which resulted in me slipping on a pair of ripped skinny jeans with red and black flannel with a grey tank top underneath it. Before I left my room, I checked the mirror one last time and decided to throw my blonde hair into a loose pony tail, for my hair still looked like bed hair and exited my room.

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