I'm Juliana

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I've lost count of how many years I have been in this tomb. I still can't believe that Katherine Pierce put me in here. Everything was going perfect until she put me in this god forsaken tomb just so she could prevent me from killing myself and then she left me. I was ready to die. The only reason I allowed her to turn me was so I could find out what cause Yellow Fever. I was getting closer and closer, then she found out.

I can still remember the day when I ended up in my hell.


They took her first, then Pearl, and finally they took me. I never hurt anyone except for one person, unlike Katherine. I feed from animals. I couldn't do human blood. After having the fever, I never looked at blood the same.

After having vervain inject into me and being chained then thrown in the back of a prison wagon. They took us to the old church, then they started the fire. They started burning the church, to kill every vampire in Mystic Falls. To kill the monsters.

"Katherine..." I coughed, breathing in the smoke.

She smiled at me, and grabbed my hand. "Julia, do you remember what I told you when I found you?"

"You would not let me die." I paused. "What does that have to do with anything? We are all about to die, Kat."

My best friend smirked, "No, you are not. Do you honesty think I would let them kill my best friend?" She asked me. I shook my head, "No, I would not. You are going somewhere safe, and once I believe you have that crazy idea of yours gone. I will come back for you." She explained to me as she slowly stood up.

"No, no, no!" I repeated. I quickly reached up to grabbed her arm, but she was too fast. "I want to die Katherine! You can not do this to me! We are friends!"

By now she was already at the other side of the church and a small part of the wall opened. Katherine looked back at me one last time, "We can not be friends if you are dead, Juliana." Then she was going through the opening, leaving behind her best friend.

"Katherine! Katherine!" I screamed to the top of my lungs, as the fire grew more. No. This can't be happening. I was close to finding the truth, ready to die, but she won't let me. "Katherine!" I screamed out one last time, before all of the vampires and me vanish into a dark cave.

Where I would be trapped for 145 years.


A tear slipped from my eyes remembering the day. Every vampire, all of Katherine's friends, people who considered her family, had all been played by her, including me. I never saw it coming. I thought I was going to die with my best friend, but no. The Elusive Katherine Pierce had won again.

•One Hundred Years Later. Mystic Falls, Present Day•

All of the vampires in the tomb were beyond weak. None of us could move. We were already statues. Our veins were begging for a drop of blood, even me. All we could feel was pain, from the dryness of our veins, and knowing we will never get out.

Then I heard it. People talking.

None of the vampires could talk anymore because how weak we were. The only other thing I could think of was people from the outside.


She was finally back. She was going to get me out of this hell. We were going to be friends again.

Until I heard the footstep. They were heavy, unlike Katherine's. Then I saw the shoes in front of me which were men's.

"Come on." The man growled. "Where are you?"

Then it hit me. Damon Salvatore, Katherine's boy toy. I found the strength to reach up and grab his leg.

At first he was about to hit my arm away, until he finally realized who I was. Once realization had hit him, he kneeled to be eye level with me. "Julia, where's Katherine?" He asked me, but my eyes were fixed on the blood bag in his hands. He followed my eyes and opened the bag. Damon placed the blood up to my lips and slowly drank it, feeling refresh.

I pushed the bag away, not wanting anymore human blood, and looked at him. "She is not here, Damon." I whispered and I saw his eyes fall. He was devastated. He looked for the one girl he loved, and she wasn't here. "She was never here."

He quickly stood up and threw the blood bag against the stone wall and it shatter. Leaving the blood to go down the wall.

Then another person came running over, and I knew who it was. Stefan Salvatore, the one Katherine loved.

"She's not here!" Damon screamed.

"We need to go, Damon. She isn't worth looking for." Damon's younger brother told him.

Suddenly softer footsteps joined the group. "Damon, please!" She cried, and my eyes widen. The girl sounded like Katherine, but she wasn't her. I could sense it.

Damon stared at her for a second and nodded. All three of them started to leave until Damon stopped at me. "Let's get you out of here." He told me, and picked me up bridal style, and ran out of the tomb.


We arrived to what Damon likes to call the Salvatore Boarding House. I was confused at first because it looked nothing like the house I arrived at in 1864, but then he told me that his childhood home was gone.

He placed me on the couch and went to go get me a blood bag. I was about to tell him no, but he was already gone. While he was gone the front door opened. I tried to look, but I had no strength.

Then two people came in my vision Stefan, and the girl who looked like Katherine. Stefan gasped when he saw me and came over to me, "Julia?" He asked.

I smiled at him, "Hi," I whispered, and then Damon enter the room.

"Here you go, one blood bag." He told me holding out the blood.

"Damon," I growled. "I do not drink human blood, and you know it." I snapped. He rolled his eyes and drank the blood his self while making a drink.

Then Stefan spoke up, "I have some animal blood, don't worry." He told me and was gone.

Next, the Katherine lookalike spoke, "Who are you?" She asked me. "And how do you know them?"

I smiled at her, "I'm Juliana, but you can call me Julia."


First uploaded June 21, 2015

Just so you know, this is not the sequel to Life as a Pierce. I just came up with this idea, and you may or may not like it. Just know I am actually doing my research on Yellow Fever, even though I know a good bit about it.




First uploaded on June 21, 2015

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