Human Katherine

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•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

When I couldn't find Katherine in the school, my mind started spinning out of control. What happened in the school and where the hell was Katherine. Did Elena kill Katherine and disposed her body?

I shook my head at my own thoughts, there was no way that Elena did that because I watched her walked out. Maybe Elena spared her and Katherine is already back at the house. Once again, I shook my head at my thoughts, there was no way anyone was spared, the term basically doesn't exist for vampires, someone always dies.

But maybe, just maybe, Katherine was her typical self and ran once she saw she was in trouble. It was the only logical reason. Katherine couldn't be dead. There was no way.

Deciding to go with the idea that Katherine simply ran away from the situation, I went back to the house we had been staying out and hoped that she would show up sooner or later.

But then once morning happened and I hadn't gotten any messages from her, my mind went to the worst place possible. Which brought out the worst in me because once I realized Katherine wasn't going to show up, I ran all the way to the Salvatore's home.

Once arriving there, I burst through the door, probably leaving a mark on the wall behind it, and found the person who I was looking for right in the living room.

Elena turned to me a gave me a small smile, "Ju-" she started, but before she could finished, I sped over to her and grabbed her by her neck. I was livid and it showed for I proceeded to slam her into the closest wall, leaving an intention in the drywall. The smile Elena once held was gone in a flash, and the only thing left was worry.

By then, my fangs were all the way out and my veins under my eyes were already showing. In my entire life as a vampire, I had never been this angry, for most of the time, I was able to control it  but this time it was different. I could even feel my anger bouncing off the walls in this very room, but my reason was simple, something happened to the person I loved and I had to find out. And if Elena had something to do with it, I knew I was willing to kill her.

"Where is she?" I snapped, while tightening my grip on her neck to where I could hear her gasping for some relief.

She reached out to grab my hand around her neck, but I was quick to grab it and broke it in a way that it would take some time to heal. She cried out in pain but my grip on her neck made it difficult to hear, "W-what?" Was all she managed to get out.

My patience was running thin and with my free hand, I shoved it into her chest and grabbed her heart, causing her let out a loud gasp. I gave it small squeeze as I lend forward, as she began to struggle even more underneath me.

"Where. Is. Katherine?" I growled and it took all of my will power to not pull out her heart. It was in my hands, her life, her existence, I had complete control over it, and by the look in her eyes, she knew the same thing. Her life depended on what I did.

With unbroken arm, she tapped my arm, trying to get me to loosen my grip on her neck, and even though I didn't want to, I did, but just enough so she could speak a few words.

"I-I d-don't know." She stuttered out.

I growled, hating the answer she gave me, and threw her as hard as I could against the upper part of the fireplace. There was a loud crack that echoed throughout the living room as she hit the stone above the fireplace before falling down on her stomach. Groans were coming from her, but I completely ignored them. "That isn't good enough for me!" I yelled as I began to walk over to her as she tried to pull herself up. Once I reached her, I reached down and picked her up by her hair and weeped out a small cry. "I know you did something to her!" I screamed and kicked her onto her back and stood over her.

The Elusive Katherine PierceWhere stories live. Discover now