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Amber's P.O.V

         My eyes slowly flutter open as the sunlight filling the room completely burns my eyes. I immediately squeeze my eyes back shut before throwing the covers surrounding me over my head.

        There's a throbbing sensation within my noggin causing me to groan out as my brain feels as though it's hitting against my skull. I slowly bring my right hand up to my forehead, feeling the warm temperature and sweat beads surrounding the edges.

Fuckkk, I think I'm going to be sick!

I quickly sit my body up in order to fight the bile threatening to rise. My eyes then scan the area surrounding me, having me come to the realization that I was in Jacks room.

What the hell?

How did I even get here?

My mind instantly disregards my thoughts as I start to feel my stomach acids rising in my throat. I hunch my body over as I cover my mouth with my left hand while allowing my feet to guide me into the restroom.

As soon as I'm facing the toilet, I immediately drop to my knees before completely emptying my guts. My stomach burns with regret as it completely rejects all the alcohol in which I had forced into it.

After hunching over the toilet for a few minutes I finally start to feel a sense of relief. My head rest itself against my arm as I make sure to stay close to the bowl incase I may have to throw up again.

I wonder how I ended up at Jacks.

Was he at the party?

What all does he know?

The last thing I remember clearly was playing beer pong with Gianna and her friends, everything after that is kind of a blur.

I push my thoughts to the side as my head starts feeling dizzy. There's a deep sense of dehydration overtaking my body, causing me to groan out from the thought of getting up.

I slowly lift my head from my arm before using the counter next to me to support my body weight and bring me to my feet. I slowly exit Jacks bathroom before going over to his bedroom door and twisting it open.

As soon as I walk through Jacks doorframe my eyes instantly met with both him and Zac. Their conversation comes to a halt upon my arrival, making me feel somewhat uncomfortable.

My eyes flicker over to Zac, watching him shake his head at me slightly as he analyzes my form. There's a slight feeling of guilt and fear that shoots throughout me as I watch him watch me.

Wait, wasn't he at Heidi's yesterday?

I'm almost positive I saw him.

Fuck, what all happened yesterday?

"Amber... go back in the room, I'll deal with you in a second." Jack calmly commands as he looks at me with serious eyes.

Fuck, what all does he know?

What could've possibly happened last night?

"I just need water." I hesitantly croak out as I feel the dryness within my throat.

"I'll bring you one." He dismisses as he awaits for me to follow his directions.

I send Jack a nod in response before turning on my feet and going back into his room. I close his door shut behind me before going over to his blinds and closing them completely in order to minimize the amount of sunlight spilling into the room.

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