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Amber's P.O.V

        I feel my palms shake anxiously as I focus my attention back down to jacks door knob. My shaky hands twist the door open in order to grant me access to the space having me close the door shut immediately after.

I can't believe Zac caught me while I was in his room.

What if he finds out about me going through his files?

What would he do if he were to know about all of the things I saw while being in there?

             I rub my fingers over my temples in order to relieve some stress as I begin to think about all of the possible scenarios in which could happen.

Zac would surely kill me.

It's obvious that he doesn't have a problem with violence and I've clearly seen too much.

Maybe this is what Jack was saying that he wanted to protect me from.

I still don't know the depth of the situation but from what I have seen it's clear that they are involved with something extremely dangerous. Something that I just can't understand right now.

All I know is that I'm terrified.

Terrified of Jack.

Terrified of his roommate.

And terrified of being here.

             My train of thoughts become interrupted by the feeling of my phone vibrating within my hand. I look down at my phone to see Jacks contact filling my screen, having me answer it almost immediately.

                        "Hello?" I say timidly.

                       "This is my second time calling you. Why haven't you been answering your phone?"  He questions sternly, leaving no room for any sort of rebuttal.

                        "I'm sorry, I left my phone in Zac's bathroom from when I was helping Violet. I couldn't find it before but I have it now." I explain to him.

                       "How did you get it back? Did Zac let you in?"  He asks, sounding slightly confused.

                       "No, I found a key-" I start before being cut off.

                      "You broke in?! Are you fucking stupid?! Why would you do that ?!" He rambles with concern and frustration in his voice.

                      "Because I knew that if you called me and I didn't answer that I'd be in trouble!! I didn't want to piss you off. I was scared okay?!" I somewhat lie, trying to get him to understand where I was coming from.

                      "Did he see you while you were in there? Cause he should've come back by now. " Jack questions lowly, speaking to me in a hushed tone almost as if he didn't want anyone on his end to hear our conversation.

                       "No." I lie

             Jack releases a small breath of air in relief before speaking once more.

                            "Listen baby you can't just go into Zac's room, okay?! He let you off earlier because you saved Violet from a really bad situation and we are all thankful for that but you can't just think that you can go in there. If you would've seen something that you shouldn't have while being in his room then I can't protect you from what his family may do in order to protect that information. Okay?! Do you understand what I'm trying to say??" He says in a serious manner, still talking to me in a soft and hushed tone.

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