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Hello my loves!! I'm so so sorry for being gone for so long. And I know I told you I would update a week ago so I apologize again for that. I've just been grinding like crazy and I finally have music finished and ready to be released in the very near future. I'm working on the business side of everything now.

I'm soooo fucking excited you guys have no idea. It'll be out super super soon and omg I could cry I love it so much and I hope you guys fuck with my sound as much as you enjoy my books!

Amber's P.O.V

I immediately walk towards the elevator in the lobby as I enter Jo's dorm building. Once I'm now standing infront of the sliver doors, I then click on the up button and await for the doors to open.

       After a few minutes of standing patiently, the doors to the elevator eventually open, granting me access to the space. My finger presses on the fourth floor before watching the doors close shut after me.

    The elevator begins to slowly lift up, before eventually stopping and showcasing the floor in which Jovana resided on. I begin walking down the halls, trying to remember exactly where Jo took me last time.

I rely solely on my faint memory and intuition to lead the way, having me eventually find myself standing infront of her bedroom door.  My eyes scan the surrounding area in order to double check that this was the right room or not.

       Once I was feeling more confident that this was in fact her room, I finally knock on her door in order to announce my presence.

                    "Jovanaaa!! Hey, it's me." I say from behind the door.

        After receiving no type of response, I wait a few more moments before eventually knocking on the door again.

                    "Hellooooo? Jo?! Are you here?" I call out as I leave a few more loud knocks on the door.

          I wait patiently once again for some type of response, but after not receiving one I decide that it'd be best for me to just turn back around.

She must be in class or something

A low groan escapes my lips as I make my way back onto the elevator to the lobby. Once the elevator doors finally reopen, I immediately start walking towards the front doors before climbing my way back into Giannas passengers seat.

                     "Wow that was fast. Did you get your phone?" She questions as she pulls her car out of park before driving away from Jo's building.

                    "No, I don't think she was home. I knocked like so many times but she never came to the door." I explain as I begin to buckle myself in the seatbelt.

Gianna nods her head in understanding before pulling out her phone and going into Apple Music.

"I can bring you back here later to come get your phone if you want." She suggests as she continues to drive off campus to where I assume Hazel lived.

"Okay that sounds good, thank you so much I really appreciate it." I thank, having her smile back at me as she begins to play music loudly throughout the car.

I immediately begin to move my head to the beat of the music as the sound of the neighbourhoods voice completely entrances me. We drive with the music on full blast for majority of the car ride until we eventually pull up into a gated area.

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