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Amber's P.O.V

Anxiety slowly starts to increase within my bloodstream as I stare out into the space around me, causing my body to begin to involuntarily tremble.

Actually, now that I think about it. Maybe I shouldn't let Luca come over.

Even though I know Jack is busy with class right now; I still don't want to risk him somehow finding out.

I quickly pull out my phone in order to text Luca and cancel our plans; but the moment that I do, my screen lights up with his contact on display.

From Linda- project partner: I think I'm outside already. Should I wait out here for you or just walk in?

As soon as I read Lucas message I immediately throw my head back in regret.


Why did I do this?

Would it be rude to tell him to leave now that he's already here?

No- it's fine, everything will be fine.

Jack won't find out

It's all going to be okay.

              I hesitantly unlock my phone before going into Luca and I's messages in order to reply to his text.

To Linda- project partner: it's okay you can just come up to the 3rd floor. I'll wait for you by the elevator.

               As soon as I press send, Luca immediately reads the message before hearting it in response. I take a nervous deep breath in attempts to calm my anxiety before pushing myself off of my bed and going towards the door.

                 I hesitantly twist the door open before slowly making my way down the hallway and to the elevator. Patiently, I wait near it; watching anxiously for the silver doors to open.

What would Jack say right now if he knew I was letting Luca come over?

Maybe I should just be open and honest with him about Luca being my partner.

Who am I kidding? That'll never work.

                 My thoughts become interrupted by the sound of the elevator doors opening in order to reveal Luca behind it.

                 He's leaning his body comfortably against the back wall of the elevator as he looks down at his phone. But, the moment that his eyes connect with mine, he immediately pushes his body forward as a smile appears on his lips.

                              "Hey gorgeous." He says softly as he brings his body closer to mine, greeting me with a friendly hug.

                I very hesitantly accept his embrace before quickly pushing him away and awkwardly clearing my throat.

"My dorm is this way." I say to him before turning on my feet in order to guide him to my room.

We walk silently down the long, narrow hallway before eventually reaching my dorm. I slowly twist the door open upon our arrival, allowing us both access to the space.

As I step to the side in order to give Luca room to walk in; he quickly places himself behind me- insisting for me to walk in first.

"Thank you." I say as he holds the door open for me.

"My pleasure." He says in response as he closes the door behind the two of us.

Luca steps further into the room, having his eyes roam around the space as he analyzes the entire set up.

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