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Gianna's P.O.V

It's been nearly two months since ambers disappearance and no one seems to know anything. The police have been absolutely no fucking help in this and Xion claims to not have any information that could possibly help me find her.

I just don't understand how this could've happened.

I've searched the entire internet for information on Zac and his family but I can never find anything useful.

The internet makes it seem as if his family are charitable saints that own legitimate businesses and donate to children's hospitals.

It's all bullshit!

            A loud groan escapes my lips as I slam my computer shut in frustration. I push my body off of my bed's frame before going over to my purse and quickly retrieving my dab pen. I inhale a deep breath of smoke before exhaling and releasing all of the built up tension within me.

As I stand in the corner of the space my eyes wander over to ambers old side of the room, making me think back to the conversation I last had with Xion. A huge headache begins to engulf me, making me feel as if I were drained.

I need to hang out with Heidi.

She always knows how to uplift my spirits.

Besides, I've been distancing myself away from everyone a lot recently, I could use her advice right now.

              I immediately go to reach for my phone before unlocking it and dialing Heidis number. After only a few rings she picks up.

                      "Hey girl! I miss you! How is everything?!" Heidi chirps as she answers the phone.

                I smile at her enthusiasm, having my mood feel slightly lifted just from the positivity in her voice.

                       "Hey, I miss you too. Do you think I can come over? I want to talk to you about something that's been bothering me recently." I vaguely explain.

                        "Yeah, of course! I'm at my parents house so just let me know when you're at the gate and I'll buzz you in." She says.

                          "Okay! See you soon." I smile before quickly ending the call.

(A/N: For those of you that have been reading as I update since the very beginning and need a refresher. Chapter 3.7 is the first time we visited Heidi's parents house)

              As the line ends I immediately throw all of my belongings into my purse before grabbing my keys and running out of my dorm, locking it on the way out. I walk with a purpose throughout the halls before taking the elevator down to the lobby and exiting the building.

         Once I finally reach the parking lot, I quickly climb into my car before driving out of my parking space and away from the campus. I follow the gps through the busy roads for what felt like hours before finally reaching Heidi's parents neighborhood.

           As I arrive at the entrance of the very posh neighborhood, I am stopped by the same guard that I've seen nearly a thousand times now.

How does this man not remember me by now?!

Does he really have to verify my identity every single time I come here?

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